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期中考试考前冲刺 The rain stops the sports meeting. V.(P97) 1.defend [difend] defend sb.from harm defend ones country (against enemies) 2. demand [dimɑ:nd] 美音:[d?m?nd] demand of sb. to do sth. demand sth.form sb.要求某人做某事 He demands some money from his father. 他要求他的父亲给他点钱 3. differ:[‘dif?] Our tastes differ from each other. 4. dismiss:[dismis] 让...离开;把...打发走[(+from)] He was dismissed from the hospital a week later. He was dismissed from his job. 免...的职;解雇;开除他被开除了。 5.draw He drew the cork from the bottle. I’ll draw some money from my account. 6. emerge:[im?:d?] 浮现;出现[(+from/out of)] The moon emerged from behind a cloud. 月亮从云层后面钻了出来。 7.escape:[is’keip] The soldier escaped from the enemy’s prison. 8.excuse 免除(+from) I‘d rather be excused from the meeting. 我希望能不参加那个会议。 Please excuse me for a while. 准许...离去;让...走开[O2]请允许我离开一会儿。 9.hinder:[hind?] 妨碍;阻碍[(+from)] Age hinders me from moving about. 10.prevent:[privent] 阻止;制止;妨碍 Who prevents their plans from being carried out? 谁阻止他们的计划不让实施? V. (P97) 1.prohibit[pr?hibit] They prohibited him from going there . 2.protect:[pr?tekt] 保护,防护[(+against/from)] May God protect you from harm. 3.receive 4. separate:[sep?reit] 鉴别优劣 This test should separate the sheep from the goats. 5. suffer:[s?f?] My father suffers from high blood pressure. 6. believe He did not believe in Howards honesty. 7. delight She delights in her work. 8.employ:[impl?i] The children were employed in painting. 9.encourage:[ink?rid?] Her parents encouraged her in her studies. 10.engage:[ingeid?] They engage in the study of music . 1.experience:[ikspi?ri?ns] be experienced in+doing sth 2.fail She failed in the examination. 3.help in They often help in the farm work in our village.帮助干…, 在…方面帮助 4.include:[inklu:d] Be coffee include in this meal? B includes A (B中有A) =A includes in B(A包含在B中) 5. indulge:[ind?ld?] Once in a while, he indulged in a bottle of good wine. 6.instruct:[instr?kt] My job is to instruct her i


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