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3 88 Vol. 38, No. 8 2 0 0 8 8 JOURNAL OF UNIVERSIT Y OF SCIENCE AND T ECHNOLOGY OF CHI NA Aug. 2 0 0 8 : 2008) NK 田志刚, 魏海明, 孙 汭 ( , 230027) : 自然杀伤受体( NKR) 和T oll 样受体( TLR) 是天然免疫系统最重要的二群天然免疫识别受 体家族, 位于机体抵抗外来 袭的第一道防线. 二者各自具有独特的识别外来或内源性的危险信 号区分自我和非我的识别机制, 是启动固有免疫和适应性免疫应答的关键链接分子. NK 细胞是 天然免疫系统的核心成员, 具有早期识别和清除病毒感染和肿瘤细胞等功能, 同时也是连接天然免 疫和获得性免疫的桥梁. 以NK 细胞为载体将TLRs/ NKRs 连接起来, 可以较好地反映机体内外 环境变化或刺激时固有免疫对适应性免疫的调节作用, 为有效控制感染炎症肿瘤及自身免疫性 疾病提供崭新的治疗策略. : N KR; T LR; NK 细胞; 天然免疫; 免疫调节 : Q28 : A Innate recognition and immune regulation of NK cells in immunerelated diseases T IAN Zhigang, WEI Haiming , SU N Rui ( I nst it ut e of I mmu nol ogy , S chool of L if e S cie nces , Univ er si ty of S ci ence and Tec hnol ogy of Chi na , H ef e i 230027, Chi na) Abstract : Natural killer re eptors ( NKRs) and T olllike re eptors ( T LRs) ar e the most important re eptor supfamilies in innate immunity and a t as fir st line of host defense against infe tion or transfor med ells. These r e eptors ex ert pe uliar re ognition me hanisms to sense danger signals and distinguish infe tious nonself from noninfe tious self , and thereafter w ork as link mole ules betw een innate and adaptive immunity . NK ells are the most important lympho ytes population, re ognize infe tion and tumor at initial, and play a riti al role in linking innate immunity w ith adaptive immunity. In this paper, w e highlight the importan e of r e ognition and inter a tion of those re eptors via NK ells. T he pre ise me hanisms an be harnessed to aid the rational design of therapy against infe tion, inflammation, an er or autoimmune diseases. Key words: NKR; T LR; NK Cells; innate immunity ; immune r egulation : 2008062


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