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学士学位论文 题目:医院预约挂号系统的设计与实现 设 计 人: 指导教师: 所属系部: 专业班级: 2011年 6 月 10 日 中文摘要 随着计算机的发展,越来越多的行业实现了管理的信息化和自动化,医务行业也不例外。在很多医院中,挂号作为医院工作中最重要的一个环节还没有完全实现信息化管理,因此本系统选择医院预约挂号为研究对象,以实现网上预约挂号、缓解医院现场挂号难、提高医院工作效率为目标。 本次设计采用ASP.NET和SQL Server 200以/S为模式设计系统实现了的查询以及管理员对等功能。ASP.NET;SQL Server 2005;B/S Hospital appointment registering online system Author:Sun Zhenhua Tutor:Hu Jing Abstract With the development of computer technology, more and more industries have realized the informatization and automation of the management, medical industry has no exception also. But in many hospitals, registering, as a very important aspect of hospital work, has not fully achieved information management. Therefore, this system choose the hospital registering as the research object, in order to achieve registering on the internet, reduce the difficulty of registering in hospital and improve work efficiency in hospital. The design uses ASP.NET and SQL Server 2005 as development tool, combined with software engineering design, to B/S for the model to achieve the hospital appointment registering system, to achieve the appointment, inquires of patients, to achieve the manegement of appointment information and so on. Hospital appointment registering online system has a good prospect, it can be used to replace the traditional manual registering, achieving registering online for patients is an inevitable trend. With the development of computer technology and network technology, its functions will develop and improve continuosly. Key words: Appointment registrating; ASP.NET; SQL Server 2005; B/S 目录 第一章 系统概述 1 1.1项目开发的背景和意义 1 1.1.1项目开发背景 1 1.1.2项目开发意义 1 1.2项目开发环境 2 1.2.1硬件环境 2 1.2.2软件环境 3 1.3系统体系结构 3 1.3.1传统的C/S结构特性 3 1.3.2 B/S结构的特性 3 1.4开发工具介绍 4 1.4.1开发工具介绍 4 1.4.2 C#语言 7 1.4.3 SQL Server 2005 7 1.5系统开发方法 8 1.6本文所做的主要工作 9 1.7本文结构安排 9 第二章 需求分析 10 2.1可行性分析 10 2.1.1技术可行性 10 2.1.2操作可行性 10 2.1.3经济可行性 10 2.2任务概述 10 2.2.1任务目标 10 2.2.2用户特点 11 2.3功能描述 11 2.4数据描述 11 2.4.1 数据流图 11 2.5数据字典 14 2.6 E-R图 15 2.


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