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Reading B Text Going Traveling Abroad Traveling abroad is always among the wish list of people of all age groups. Visiting a new place where people speak a foreign language, spend a fancy currency and travel with different methods of transportation is a very exciting experience. However, there is so much to anticipate, dream about, consider and prepare for, that for some travelers it might seem a bit overwhelming. That’s why good planning is essential so as to avoid future confusion and problems. 定语从句 为了,以便 fancy a. 精致的,花哨的 fancy goods 精美小礼品 e.g. He prefers good plain food, nothing fancy. The dress was rather fancy for my tastes. (especially of small things ) with a lot of decorations or bright colors anticipate vt. 期待, 盼望; 预料 v. to look forward to;to expect e.g. Michael was eagerly anticipating the break from the routine of business. We had one or two difficulties along the way that we didn’t anticipate. essential a. 极其重要的,必不可少的 e.g. It is essential to set your targets realistically. Government support will be essential if the project is to succeed. a. extremely necessary or important avoid vt. 避开,避免 to stay away from someone or something, or prevent something from happening or not to allow yourself to do something e.g. Unnecessary paperwork should be avoided at all costs. I try to avoid supermarkets on Saturdays—they’re always so busy. Reading B Text Once it is determined which foreign country is to be visited, it is time to create a travel plan. A good travel plan not only helps to realistically determine the timeline of the travel but also allows for the identification of travel needs, hotel needs, points of interest and financial expenses. It is very important to research the country that is being visited. Books, online resources and friends who have been there are valu


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