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Bilibili 夏 - ( ゜- ゜)つロ 乾杯~ - GuoHaonans 伐木累 Sitting in a dark movie theater, leaning forward with your eyes fixed on(双眼紧盯) the screen and hands clenching(握紧,抓紧) the edge of the seat, you hear the couple behind you “whisper”: “Is that Matt Damon?” “Who is Matt Damon?” “The guy who played in the Bourne series(《谍影重重》)!” Most of the time you roll your eyes, hating them for ruining your experience. But somewhat bizarrely, these interruptions(打断) have themselves become a form of entertainment – though at least, the creators of these “interruptions” have the good grace to do them in text form. Video streaming websites(弹幕网站) in China have proven to be fertile(肥沃的) ground for a giant(巨大的)community of “subtitles shooters”(字幕射手) who revel(陶醉) in the creation and spread of memes(么么哒), slang terms(俚语), and pop culture references(流行文化), which find their way onto screens during movies, in subtitle(字幕) form. The “Bullet Subtitle” feature has been adopted( 采用) by the biggest video websites in China such as Tudou and iQiyi, and even appeared during a theater screening of Tiny Times 3( 小时代3). It even made its way into classes when a professor at a university in Wuhan allowed students to create live subtitles during class presentations. This function( 功能) also became possible during a live concert by Chinese pop duet Yu Quan( 羽泉). The service, or phenomenon(现象), is called dàn mù, which literally(字面上的意思) translates to “bullet subtitles”. The word refers to the commentaries( 评论) shooting across the screen, in the style of an arcade shooting game(街机游戏). Originally from Japan, “bullet subtitles” are said to have come to China thanks to anime lovers and followers(动漫爱好者) of what would commonly be considered otaku(御宅族) culture. Although initially “bullet subtitles”were offered for forms of animation(动画) that are often referred to as two-dimensional works (二次元, 2-D), three dimensional works (三次元) –those that involve real people such as films and TV shows –began


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