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1That he will come is certain. 2Whether it will please them is not easy to say. 3What seems easy to some people seems difficult to others. 4Which side will win is not clear. 5Why he did it remains a mystery. 6When they will start is not known yet. 7How he became a great scientist is known to us all. 8Who will take part in the meeting has not been decided. 9Whoever breaks the law will be punished. 10Where she is from is unknown. 主语从句的连接词: 连接词 that , whether 连接代词 who(ever), whom(ever), which(ever), what(ever)等 连接副词 where ,when ,why ,how It作形式主语的四种常用句型 It +be+名词+that从句 It +be+形容词+that从句 It +不及物动词+that从句 It +be+动词的过去分词+that从句 主语从句的虚拟语气 ①表 “应该,惊讶、惋惜、遗憾”等意义 It is important /natural /necessary/strange that... 谓语形式为:(should) + V.原形 eg. 很奇怪,他竟没有来。 It is strange that___________________. ②表示“据建议、据要求、据命令” It+be+suggested/advised/ordered/requested/ commanded/ insisted/required that… 谓语形式为:(should) + V.原形 据命令,所有乘客必须接受搜查 It was ordered that all the passengers_____________________. If he will come to the meeting is not certain. Whether he will come to the meeting is not certain. It is not certain if he will come to the meeting. It is not certain whether he will come to the meeting. When he will come are a puzzle(谜). When he will come is a puzzle. What you can see is a pig. What you can see are 2 pigs. When will he come is a puzzle. When he will come is a puzzle. Listen to the music clip, and find out the subject clauses what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger 没能击垮你的让你愈加强壮 stand a little taller 站得更高 doesn’t mean i’m lonely when i’m alone 孤身一人并不代表我孤单寂寞 what doesn’t kill you makes a fighter 没能击垮你的造就一名勇士 put that thing on lighter 步履轻盈 doesn’t mean i’m over cause you’re gone 你的离开并不意味我的结束 what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, stronger 没能击垮你的让你愈加强壮,愈加强壮 just me, myself and i 我可以只靠自己,我,只有我 Homework Review what we have learned today. Finish the exercises on page62 in our workbook. It makes the teacher angry that the


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