对于毕业论文 电子钟.doc

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对于毕业论文 电子钟.doc

  对于毕业论文 电子钟 对于毕业论文 电子钟 导读:dilydeepening,asithasstrongfunction,smallsize,loent of large-scale integrated circuits. SCM application is steadily deepening, as it has strong function, small size, low power dissipati 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 对于毕业论文 电子钟 导读:,;seconds;ofmoderndesignunit.Ifusingdigitalcircuitstoplete,thedesignofthecircuitquiteplextakesabout10afeberofManifoldanditsfunctionsaremainlydependentonthedigitalcircuitabinationofthevariousfunctionalblockstoachievethe, increasingly atic control, inligent instruments, gauges, data acquisition, military products and household appliances, and other areas, is often microcontroller as a core ponent to use, In light of specific hardake perfect. This design is the design of timing clock from the microcontroller AT89C51 chip and LED digital tube as the core, supplemented by the necessary circuitry, consisting of a microcontroller electronic time clock. MCU clock design can be used to plete. Digital electronic clock is posed of digital integrated circuits using digital tube displays ;time;, ;sub;, ;seconds; of modern design unit. If using digital circuits to plete, the design of the circuit quite plex takes about 10 a feber of Manifold and its functions are mainly dependent on the digital circuit a bination of the various functional blocks to achieve the ainly through so 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 对于毕业论文 电子钟 导读:hasdecreased,sotheuseofthedesignusedinmicrocontrollerAT89C51,itisaloanceCMOS8-bitmicrocontroller.AT89C51microcontrollerentdisplaydesignedforsimpletimingalarmclock,youcansetthecurrenttimeanddisplaythealarmset-uptime,ifthe ftming to plete, then reduce the plexity of the hardicrocontroller AT89C51, it is a loance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller. AT89C51 microcontroller ent display designed for simple timing alarm clock, you can set the current time and display the alarm set-up time, if the time to sound a e display circuit, key circuits, po instruction circuit design of several parts. Use of four sing clock e and clock hours: K2, set


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