人教版高一英语上册Unit 4 Earthquakes language points.ppt

人教版高一英语上册Unit 4 Earthquakes language points.ppt

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人教版高一英语上册Unit 4 Earthquakes language points

* * Consolidation There was a big __________ in Tangshan in 1976. Before the earthquake _______ things were happening ____ ____ __________. For three days the ______ in the village wells _____ and _____. The well walls had deep ______ in them.So ____ the water pipes. The animals acted differently ____ usual. But the people _______ ____ ___ these events, went to bed ___ usual that night. At 3:42 am everything began to ______. _________ of the nation felt it. earthquake strange in the countryside water rose cracks did shake fell from thought as One–third little of In fifteen terrible seconds the large city lay in _____. More _____ 400,000 people were _____ or ______. Nearly everything was _________. Then later that afternoon, _______ big earthquake shook Tangshan. Many people, including workers and doctors, came to _______ those _______ under the ruins. People began to wonder how long the disaster would ____. But all hope was not ____. Soldiers came to help those _________. Slowly the city began to breathe again. lost destroyed trapped rescue last than killed injured another survivors ruins 1.在乡下 2.难闻的气味 3.从裂缝里冒出 4.紧张得吃不下 5.在天空中 6.水管 7.对…评价低 8.睡着了 9.照常 in the countryside a smelly gas come out of the cracks too nervous to eat in the sky water pipes think little of be/fall asleep as usual 11.全国三分之一 12.8公里长 13.严重受损的 14.受伤 15.数千的 16.被毁坏 17.刮走 18.无法安全行驶 19.煤矿 one third of the nation eight kilometers long in ruins be/get injured thousands of be destroyed blow away be not safe for traveling coal mines 20.被震惊 21.下午晚些时候 22.救援人员 23.被困在废墟下面 24.掘出 25.埋葬死者 26.城市北边 be shocked later that afternoon the rescue workers be trapped under the ruins dig out bury the dead to the north of the city lie与 lay 的区别 中文 原形 过去式 过去 分词 现在 分词 说明 说谎 lie lied lied lying 不及物动词 躺; 位于 lie lay lain lying 不及物动词 放置;产蛋 lay laid laid laying 及物动词 口诀:规则的“撒谎”,不规则的“躺”,躺过就“下蛋”。 (lie当“说谎”用,它的过去式和过去分词都为lied,而当“躺”用时,它的过去式为“下蛋”即lay) It is always calm before a storm. 1.暴风雨之前总是宁静。 2. happen


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