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数字化电源机电一体化设计与仿真-控制部分与机箱设计 摘要 逆变技术和软开关技术的结合使得弧焊电源实现了高频化、轻量化、大容量;而数字信号处理器(DSP)的采用则使电源真正迈向了数字化,使电源的抗扰能力、运算能力、实时性、集成度在很大程度上得到了改善。本课题的主要的在于研究一台基于DSP的数字化弧焊电源控制系统。 本文首先介绍了弧焊电源的发展历史,论述了逆变电源的国内外发展现状和未来的发展趋势和研究方向,同时对数字化焊接电源和模拟电源进行了比较,在此基础上给出了数字化弧焊电源的设计思想,详细介绍了数字化弧焊电源控制电路系统方案和PID控制算法。控制系统采用TMS320LF2407A DSP为核心控制器件,采用闭环反馈和PID方法实现对输出电弧的恒流控制,并详细介绍了PID控制器的设计过程。论文中还介绍了JTAG接口电路设计、采样电路、DSP应用系统、驱动电路等的设计。 最后详细的设计了数字化电源箱体,针对箱体的散热、携带方便,牢固美观等应有特性进行设计。 关键词:数字化电源;DSP;PID控制;箱体 Design and Simulation of Mechatronics Digitized Power Source-Design of Control circuit and chassis ABSTRACT The combination of inverter technology and soft-switching technology makes the welding power to carry out high ffequency,light weight and big capacity.But the adoption of the digital signal processor(DSP)makes power supply really to head into numeral,makes the anti-interference ability of the power supply,compute ability,real.time ability and integrated level to get an improvement to a large extent. The main purpose of this paper lies in researching a Digitized Power Source Control circuit inverter based on DSP. Firstly introduces the development history,actuality about the arc。Welding inverter and forecasts the foreground and trend of it.In the meantime,we compare the digitized power with welding power,and then we give the design ideas of numeral welding power,introduce the digital welding power control circuitry and PID control algorithm program of it in demil.TMS320LF2407A as the core of all controlling system.The peripheral circuits are given in the paper.These circuits include the microprocessor circuit.the circuit used to give parameters and to show them,JTAG interface circuit,Sampling circuit.DSP applications,driving circuit,its design method is shown in the paper. Finally details the design of a digital power box for the heat box, easy to carry, should be a strong aesthetic and so on. Key Words :Digitized Electrical Source;; 目录 1绪论 1 1.1引言 1 1.2 数字化弧焊电源发展趋势 2 1.3 数字化弧焊电源与模拟弧焊电源的比较 3 1.4 数字化弧焊电源发展现状 3 1.5


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