easiars:多模通信传感网的动态wifi链路接入及自适应组网方法 easiarsdynamic wifi link access and adaptive networking based on multi-mode communication in wireless sensor networks.pdfVIP

easiars:多模通信传感网的动态wifi链路接入及自适应组网方法 easiarsdynamic wifi link access and adaptive networking based on multi-mode communication in wireless sensor networks.pdf

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easiars:多模通信传感网的动态wifi链路接入及自适应组网方法 easiarsdynamic wifi link access and adaptive networking based on multi-mode communication in wireless sensor networks

DOI:10 .7544/issn1000‐1239 .2015 Journalof Computer Research andDevelopment 52(12):2736 2749 ,2015 EasiARS :WiFi 1 ,2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 100190) 2 ( 100049) ( engkang@ ict.ac.cn) p EasiARS :Dynamic WiFi Link Access and Adaptive Networking Based on Multi ‐ Mode Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks 1 ,2 1 1 1 1 1 Peng Kang ,Zhao Ze ,Chen Haiming ,LiDong ,Shi Hailong ,and Cui Li 1 (I ns titute o Com uting Technolo , Chinese A cadem o Sc iences ,Be i ing 100190) f p gy y f j 2 (Univ e rs it o Chinese A cadem o Sc iences ,Be i ing 100049) y f y f j Abstract In some wireless sensor networks(WSNs) applications, ateway nodes use WiFi to accessg upper layer network.However,due to theinstability of wireless link quality ,it has a lot of work to finda stable and reliable gateway disposition by using fixed gateways in traditional WSNs structure . In thispaper,weproposeanovelmethodfor dynamicWiFilinkaccessandadaptivenetworking called EasiARS,which is applicable to the scenarios where WiFi link quality is instable and all devices including gateways and nodes are energy constrained . EasiARS is based on WiFi and ZigBee multi‐ modecommunication.It contains a low‐overhead real‐time WiFi coverage detection method, a roles switching methodand a clustering and neworking method in WiFi coverage area . EasiARS makes it feasible to rapidly deploy WSNssystemsindynamicWiFilinkenvironment .Whilesystemisworking , nodes adjust their roles and transmission strategy according to the WiFi link quality ,which ensures WSNs upload data stably and ba



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