工程变更对造价的影响 论文定稿.doc

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工程变更对造价的影响 论文定稿

17#物业办公楼工程变更对工程造价的影响研究 摘要: 随着世界经济不断的快速发展,工程建设受到社会发展趋势的影响,在投资金额、建设规模方面不断的增大。同时科学技术的进步,使得施工技术也在不断优化。工程项目的建设过程本身就兼有复杂性、长期性和动态性的特点,这些特点将不可避免的导致工程变更,因此工程变更是工程建设不断发展过程中所必然出现的。然而工程变更对工程造价影响的控制,成为建设项目成本控制的一个重要环节。 本论文主要就工程变更对工程造价的影响及控制策略进行研究,通过对工程变更的含义、产生原因、表现形式、审批原则、工程变更价款确定原则的细致分析,结合17#院物业办公楼的实际工程,利用鱼刺图、图表分析的方法,研究了工程量清单计价方式下综合单价的确定方式,以及各类变更对合同造价和变更造价的影响,并提出投资决策阶段、勘察设计阶段、招投标阶段、施工阶段、竣工结算阶段的控制策略。 关键词:工程变更, 影响控制, 图表分析, 物业楼 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Title:Study on engineering change impact on the project cost of the Property Office in Institute 17 Abstract With the rapid growth of world economy, engineering construction is inevitably affected by the trend of social development. Engineering construction increases expansion in the amount of investment. At the same time, advance technology directly leads to constant optimization of the construction technology. Engineering project has complex, long-term and dynamic characteristics in its building process. It will unavoidably cause the engineering change ,as a certain result in the course of developing the construction. However it impacts on the project cost control and becomes an important part of construction projects. In this thesis, the effect of the engineering change on the cost and its control measures are studied. They are based on the detailed analysis on the definition of engineering changes, causes, approval in principle combined with the actual engineering of the Property Office in Institute 17.By the fishbone diagram, diagram analysis to study the determination of price change, the measures control over its influence on cost. Keywords:project change, affect the control, chart, property house 目 次 1. 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 1 1.2 研究现状 1 1.3 研究的内容 2 2. 工程变更的相关理论 2 2.1 工程变更的概念 2 2.2 工程变更产生的原因 4 2.3 工程变更的分类 5 2.4 工程变更价款的确定 6 2.5 工程变更的审批原则 9 3. 17#物业办公楼的工程变更对工程造价的影响 10 3.1 工程概况简介 10 3.2 17#物业办公楼工程变更的内容 10 3.2 17#物业办公楼的工程变更项目综合单价的确定 12 3.3 17#物业办公楼各类变更项目对造价的影响分析 16 4. 工程变更对工程造价影响的控制措施 19 4.1 投资决策阶段 20


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