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AbstractAquatic product is a major exporter of agricultural in Zhejiang Province, and also is one of the important export products in Zhejiang Province. In recent years, the total export of aquatic products in Zhejiang Province keep increasing, market grows. Zhejiang has its own unique advantages in the export of aquatic products. However, export of aquatic products in Zhejiang Province is still facing many problems.
In this paper,?both?internal and?external?problems of?aquatic products export in Zhejiang?were analyzed,?and?proposed?countermeasures?to promote?the export?of aquatic products?in Zhejiang based?on these problems. First, internal problems, such as reduced development space of mariculture, aquaculture industry, bad anti-disaster ability of traditional farming way of mariculture, quality and safety problems of export products, aquatic products processing problems, the export market and export type are too concentrated, the low degree of industry organizations, the administrative enforcement measures of marine environmental management and protection should be strengthened etc.; Second, problems outside the enterprise, such as market competition, the crisis because of gradually opening the market, the technical barriers to trade restrictions, pressure of RMB appreciation and other issues. Through the analysis of the case about export of aquatic products in Zhejiang, further analysis the advantages and problems of aquatic products export in Zhejiang. Proposed measures based on the problems to promote exports of aquatic products in Zhejiang Province, divided into six points: to speed up the strategic restructuring of the marine fisheries industry, and change traditional fishing to modern fishe
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