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高职学生毕业论文 题目: 浅析我国汽车配件经济与配件店的经营 学 院: 汽车与交通工程学院 专 业: 汽车运用技术 学 号: 201023385038 学生姓名: 明文 指导教师: 吴君华 日 期: 2013年5月12日 摘 要 面对世界汽车零配件市场的高速发展,纵观发达的零配件市场。我国的汽车零配件市场显得极不成熟,甚至落后。中国传统的汽车零配件市场已经无法满足当今社会发展的需求。原先的经营思路和经营方式受到国际先进的汽车零配件营销模式强烈冲击。目前,我国汽配市场整体体系极不规范,存在许多严重的问题,诸如市场管理混乱、产品质量良莠不齐、假冒伪劣泛滥、信息不对称不透明、从业人员素质低、售后服务工作不是很健全、价格混乱等等。严重扰乱了汽车零配件市场的正常秩序,还伤害了保险公司、正规汽车零配件经销商的声誉和广大车主的合法切身利益。本文分析了当前我国汽车零配件市场存在的问题,并提出一些相应的解决措施。以促进汽车零配件市场的健康、快速发展具有一定指导意义。 关键词: 高速发展; 经营思路; 影响; 快速发展; 意义 Abstract Face the world with the rapid development of auto parts market, throughout the parts of the developed markets. Looks mature auto parts market in our country, and even lag behind. Traditional Chinese auto parts market has been unable to meet the needs of social development. The original management idea and mode of operation by international advanced auto parts marketing model of strong shock. At present, the auto market as a whole system is highly standard, there are many serious problems, such as the market management chaos, product quality is good and bad are intermingled, the proliferation of counterfeit and shoddy, opaque and asymmetric information workers, low quality, after-sales service work is not very perfect, the price is confusion and so on. Severely disrupted the auto parts market the normal order, also hurt the reputation of the insurance company, normal auto parts dealers and the vast majority of owners legal interests. This paper analyzes the current problems existing in the auto parts market in our country, and puts forward some corresponding solutions. To promote the healthy and fast development of the auto parts market has a certain guiding significance. Key words: high-speed development; Management idea; Influence; The rapid development; meaning 目 录 引言 5 1 我国汽车配件市场发展状况分析 6 1.1 我国汽车配件市场的发展趋势 6 1.2我国汽车零部件进出口 7 1.2.1进出口形势及问题 7 1.2.2关于汽车零件进出口对策建议 8 2 我国汽车零配件市场存在的问题及解决措施 10 2.1 当前我国汽车零配件市场存在的问题 10 2.1.1 配件市场管理混乱 10 2.1.2配件质量良莠不齐 10 2.1.3


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