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摘 要 本设计通过给定的资料,对原始数据进行了分析,根据江苏无锡地区的地质地形、地物、水文等自然条件,该路段选线的难点是该地形图水田和池塘比较多,选线主要原则是少占水田和避塘。依据《公路工程技术标准》及《公路路线设计规范》等交通部颁发的相关技术标准规范,在规范的摘到下,对不同路线进行了了比选,最终确定了合理的经济性路线。 设计中将所有车辆折合成规定的车型,确定了道路的技术等级:设计车速为80Km/h,双向四车道,并设有中央分隔带。选定路线后,确定关键控制点,进行了路线纵断面设计,以及一公里左右的横断面设计,并绘制了标准横断面图,在此基础上对道路行车进行了轴载换算并进对路面进行了设计,共设计了三套不同的路面结构方案:两套沥青路面结构,一套水泥混凝土面结构,同时做了两种沥青路面经济型比较的方案,最终确定最优方案。为解决路基排水问题,设计了合理的路基排水系统,保证路基的稳定,避免水对路基造成损害,同时也做了排水系统的计算,得到了涵洞的合理尺寸。 根据以上内容,完成了江苏无锡地区的道路设计,符合各项规范的技术要求。在本设计中设计公路部分全长为6140m,最大纵坡为2.194%,路线共有六个交点,且均设有缓和曲线,竖曲线共有六个边坡点,根据平纵结合,及平包纵等原则合理的绘制了竖曲线,路线全线填方大于挖方,路堑段道路边沟处设置了2m的碎落台,填挖方超过6m时,需设置台阶,台阶宽为2m,沿线设有排水系统,边沟、截水沟、急流槽等疏导水流系统。 关键词:道路等级、选线、纵断面、横断面、技术等级、排水系统、经济性、桥涵、碎落台、台阶、填挖方 Abstract This design through a given material, the original data are analysed, according to the geological terrain in wuxi city, jiangsu province area, geophysics, hydrological and other natural conditions, this section of the difficulties of the location is the topographic map paddy fields and ponds more, the main principle of location is less paddy fields and avoid pond. On the basis of the highway engineering technical standard, and the highway route design criteria, etc which issued by the relevant technology of the standard, in standard picked, the scheme of different routes than the election, with a final determination of reasonable economy route. Design will be converted into all the vehicles the provisions of the vehicles, determined the road technology level: the design of the speed to 80 Km/h, two-way four lanes, and is equipped with central space belt. Selected route, determine the key point, the longitudinal route design, and a kilometre cross-sectional design, and to draw the standard cross section figure, based on the road to the axle load conversion on the road in design, the design of the three different sets of pavement structure scheme: two sets of the asphalt pavement structure, a set of cement concrete surface structure, and the two kinds of the asphalt pavement


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