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青岛理工大学 毕 业 论 文 题目: 中闻西印4#楼混凝土工程质量控制 学生姓名: 滕博 学生学号: 201273104 院系名称: 土建工程系 专业班级: 工程监理124班 指导教师: 安庆 2015 年月日 摘要 随着当今社会建筑业的蓬勃发展,混凝土应用于建筑行业的各个领域,国家相关部门对混凝土的施工质量要求也越来越严格。在混凝土工程中,混凝土的质量水平是确保工程质量的一个重要因素,直接影响到建筑物的安全性、可靠性和耐久性。因此,如何保证和提高混凝土的质量就必然成为一个值得认真研究的课题。 混凝土工程是建筑施工中的主导工程,无论在人力、物力消耗和对工期的影响方面都占非常重要的地位。混凝土工程质量的保证,不仅在于使用优质的原材料、合理的配合比、充分均匀的搅拌和及时准确的运输;还在于合理的施工组织和技术措施,包括正确的浇注、振捣、抹面和养护方法等。因此,在施工过程中应了解影响混凝土质量的主要因素,掌握混凝土施工过程中的质量控制内容和方法,及时发现和处理混凝土施工过程中的质量问题。 混凝土质量评定具有滞后性,不能当时给予评定,一旦事后发现混凝土质量有问题,处理起来必将影响到工程的质量、进度和投资。本论文介绍了中闻西印4#楼工程混凝土质量控制,通过对该工程施工准备阶段、施工过程阶段以及施工质量验收时混凝土的控制,从而确保混凝土工程的质量。 关键词: 建筑工程;混凝土;质量控制;处理措施 Abstract With the vigorous development of todays society construction, the concrete used in every field of the construction industry, the national related department is becoming more and more strict on the construction quality of concrete. In concrete engineering, the quality of concrete is to ensure the engineering quality of an important factor that directly affect the buildings security, reliability and durability. Therefore, how to guarantee and improve the quality of concrete is bound to become a topic worthy of serious study. Concrete engineering is the construction of the leading engineering, both in manpower and material resources consumption and the impact on the time limit for a project is a very important position. Concrete engineering quality guarantee, not only is to use high quality raw materials, the reasonable mixing ratio, fully homogeneous mixing and timely and accurate transport; Lies in the reasonable construction organization and technical measures, including the correct pouring, vibrating, plaster and maintenance methods. In construction process, therefore, should know the main factors affecting the quality of concrete, and master the content and methods of quality control in concrete construction process, timely discover and deal with quality problems in the process of concrete constructi


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