NDA 三亚凤凰国际水城概念规划.ppt

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NDA 三亚凤凰国际水城概念规划

原址分析 The site analysis 本项目的原址位于三亚市西, 占地约 2.2公顷。要求建筑容积率在 0.5 ~ 0.7之间。 主要制约因素 现有的水域和防洪治理设施 主干道规划将会影响三亚的空间布局 现有的出海通道无法使大船通行 The site is located west of the Sanya precinct. The site area is approximately 2,2 hectares. The asking construction ratio is between 0,5 and 0,7. Main Constraints The existing water areas and the flood management The mains roads planning will have an influence on the special pattering of the precinct The link with the sea doesn’t allow larges boats to enter the site 设计进程 The design progress 起初我们为该项目提出了几个规划解决方案,并最终在所有方案中选择了现在的这一个。该方案集中体现了都市化与大型住宅区的便利化的完美结合。 首先,我们选择了从城市的多元空间角度定义的“都市化”这一特点:相当规模的步行街区、对所有三亚人开放的露天公共空间、以及文明邻舍和生活社区,这些都是刻画都市气氛必不可少的元素。 像三亚凤凰国际水城这样的新社区不仅应突出社区休闲的主题精神同时还应为三亚市树立起新的社区典范和城市印象. 这就是我们在创建一个生机昂然的生活社区所面临的主要挑战 方案 1 - 方案 2 – 首选 - 方案 3 - 方案 4 Several solutions have been studied for this planning project – we have selected the proposal who will offer the strong combination of a strong urbanism characters as well with the effectiveness of a large housing development zone. First we have chosen an urbanism defined by it’s diversity of spaces created, with a pedestrian scale, with open public spaces to all Sanya people and with a structure of bounded neighbourhoods. A new district like the Sanya Phoenix Water Zone should emphasize the community vacation spirit but should also develop a new identity for the Sanya City. This is for us the main challenge to overcome in order to create a living city. Option 1 - Option 2 – preferred - Option 3 - Option 4 区内交通 Transportation system inside the zone 为了便于交通,我们考虑了若干种途径,以最大限度满足个性化的生活方式: 一个完全由步行街组成的交通网 一条自行车专用道 开设通往该规划区内主次干道上公共汽车站点的直接通道 - 建议在湖上开设通往新区主要站点的“水上汽车”。 In order to facilitate the transportation several ways have been design to match the people’s way of living a complete network of pedestrian roads a protected network of bicycle roads a direct access to the bus lines on the main axis and on the roads across the site a proposed line of water buses to linked the m


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