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第四章 商务谈判 Chapter 4 Business Negotiation 第四章 商务谈判(Business Negotiation) Business Negotiation in international trade is the process in which the seller and the buyer negotiate about the trade terms to reach agreement on the sales of goods. four stages: inquiry, offer, counter-offer and acceptance five items: 1. the subject matter of the contract; 2. the price of the goods; 3. the liabilities of the seller; 4. the liabilities of the buyer; 5. the methods a. to prevent the occurrence of disputes ; b. to settle dispute in case there’s any; 第四章 商务谈判(Business Negotiation) Cultural factors are very important. cultural differences Interpreter: 1. to develop a knowledge of business English and trade terminology; 2. to understand the culture; Vocabulary Work terms of payment: 支付条款; specimen contract: 合同样本; draft sight: 见票即付; pay a margin: 支付保证金; D/P (document against payment): 付款交单 是跟单托收方式下的一种交付单据的办法,指出口方的交单是以进口方的付款为条件,即进口方付款后才能向代收银行领取单据; D/A (document against acceptance): 承兑交单 是在跟单托收方式下,出口方(或代收银行)向进口方以承兑为条件交付单据的一种办法; Vocabulary Work credit status: 信用状况; international practices: 国际惯例; make delivery: 交货; L/C payment: 信用证付款; an irrecoverable L/C: 不可撤销信用证; countermand our order: 取消我们的订单; remain valid: 依然有效; arrange an earlier shipment: 安排提前装运 ; partial shipment and transshipment: 分批装运和转运; Vocabulary Work 交货期:the time of delivery; 分批装运:partial shipment; 遵守合同:observe the contract; 终止合同:cancel the contract; 商业信誉:commercial integrity; 重合同:honored contracts; 守信用:maintain commercial integrity; 约束力:binding; ; Vocabulary Work 中国商品检验局:the China Commodity Inspection Bureau; 提出索赔:lodge a claim; 现金投标保证金:a cash deposit; 开标:open the bid; Sight Interpretation (Dialogue 1) the last consignment: 上一批货; a number identical with the bill of lading: 这一数字和提单的数字相吻合; sound and intact : 完好无损; the short weight: 短重; the provisions of the contract: 合同条款; evaporation of the goods en route: 途中货物蒸发



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