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;Objectives;;;;;;PartA_1;In-depth Reading;;3 I’m supposed to tell them, “This will be the best year of your life” and “You have nothing to worry about” and “You are so lucky. I wish I could go back.”;4 The August before I moved away to college, which seems both like yesterday and eons ago, those were the things everyone told me.;7 I put on a smile during that first month of college. When friends or family from home asked how I was doing, I told them, “I love it!” I went out to parties and laughed and pretended I was having the time of my life.;9 Then one morning after returning back to school from a weekend at home, I finally told one of my roommates, “I’m really unhappy here.” I felt like a giant weight had been lifted from my chest.;12 Over the next few weeks we had long talks about how we had been feeling. She felt lonely and lost, too, in our big university. Later, I found myself in my dorm hall while another friend cried in front of me about how homesick she was. Little by little I realized it was egotistical of me to think that my feelings were entirely my own. A lot of people felt a little bit like I did.;14 Looking back now, I can sigh with relief that things did get better. I hardly recognize the scared, anxious girl who sat in her first college class three years ago. But I didn’t get “happy” overnight. It was a slow process of learning to be who I was when I was away from everything I knew, and learning to make choices and be content with them.;;4 我上大学之前的那年8月仿佛就在昨天,又恍若隔世。那时候每个人都对我说过这样的话。 5 但那时没有人告诉我,大学第一年我可能会难以适应,可能会感到失落、焦虑、孤独、想家。;8 事实上,我觉得身边的每个人好像都彼此熟悉,而我却无法交到一些知心的朋友。我极度思念距我三小时车程之外的男朋友。我对所学的专业没有把握,这让我陷入极度的焦虑之中。我感觉自己每天过得既虚伪又迷茫,越这样想我就越难受。我开始弄不清楚我是谁,也不敢让任何人发现这一切。;10 那时其他人都还在安睡,她躺在床上低声说道:“我也是。 ”;13 我终于不用再担心自己哪天过得不开心时伙伴们会用奇怪的眼神看我。我不再闷在床上暗自伤神,反而能够与身边的人坦诚相待,也建立了更加坚定和真诚的友谊。;15 学弟学妹们,我并不是想吓唬你们。你们中的许多人,甚至是大部分人,的确会感到这一年是美好又无忧无虑的一年。但是,如果你和我一样,也过得磕磕碰碰的,请记住:你并不孤独。不要期待从你踏入大学的那一秒开始,生活中的一切都会那么完美,都像阳光那么灿烂。这是需要时间的。哪怕到最后你感觉到了悲伤,也不用觉得内疚。 16 这就是我希望我能对当年18岁的自己说的话


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