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19 3 V o.l 19 N o. 3 2006 6 W orld Fo restry R esearch Jun2006 * 侯元兆 ( , 100091) : 针对目前中国南方出现的发展桉树有害论, 说明了这些流行观点多 于想象误解和超出真实的夸 张 在论证了桉树的经济优势的基础上, 着重从水文效应地力效应生物效应等方面证明桉树非但不是生态 杀手, 且有一定的生态服务功能 在分析了国家木材安全形势和介绍了国外的发展经验的基础上, 着力阐述 了发展桉树速生林在解开国家林业领域的环境经济矛盾中的关键作用文中否定了桉树有害论, 但同时也 指出某些企业发展桉树人工林时缺乏社会责任心以及缺乏与农民的沟通 : 桉树人工林, 桉树有害论, 水文效应, 地力效应, 生物效应, 分类经营 : S 7271, S 792. 39 : A : 100 1- 4241( 2006) 03- 007 1- 06 Understanding Scientifically the Issue ofDevelopingFast- growing andHigh- yieldingEucalyptPlantation in South China H ou Y u anzhao ( R esearch In stitute o f Fo restry P o licy and Inform a tion, Ch inese A cademy o f F orestry, B eijing 100091, Ch ina) Abstract: A mi ing at the op inion that it is harm ful to deve lop eucalypt, the author ho lds the ide- a that the op inion is of mi ag ing, m isunderstahding and exaggerating. B ased on expounding the eco- nom ic advantages of eu calypt, the author proves th at eu ca lypt is not an ecolog ical killer, bu t w ith certa in eco log ical serv ice funcitions from the v iewpoints o f hydro log ica l benef its and fertiliz ing bene- f its, etc. On the b asis o f ana lyz ing the national w ood security cond it ion and introdu cing the experi- m ents abroad on eu ca lypt developm en ,t the focu s is put on describ ing the key role of deve lop ing fast- frow ing and high- y ie ld ing eu calypt plantation in so lving the contrad iction betw een env ironm en t and econom y in Ch ina s forestry. Th is p aper m akes a negation on it is harm fu l to deve lop euca- lypt, bu


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