ICU 导管相关感染调查幻灯片.ppt

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ICU 导管相关感染调查幻灯片

Surveillance of Device Related Infection in Intensive Care Unit ICU导管相关感染监测 (A version for training purpose only, the data involved is not reflecting the real situation ) National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS) system 全国院内感染监测系统 Purpose目的 Monitor the infection rates 监控感染率 Benchmark with NNIS System 与NNIS标竿 Determine trends 确定趋势 Identify outbreak 定义暴发 Facilitate comparisons 易于比较 Link monitored rates and prevention efforts 感染率与预防效果的联系 Reduce devices related infection in hospital 减少医院导管等装置的感染率 Population at risk 危险人群 All patients has been admitted in ICU for 48 hours. 入ICU48小时的病人 Follow patients for 48 hours after discharge from ICU. 病人转出ICU 需继续跟踪48小时 Device-associated infections 导管相关感染 Urinary catheter-associated Urinary tract infection (CA-UTI) 导尿管相关的尿路感染 Central line- associated Bloodstream infection (CA-BSI) 中心静脉导管相关的血流感染 Ventilator- associated Pneumonia (VAP) 呼吸机相关的肺炎 Denominator data 分母资料 Total number of patients’ admission 所有病人 Patient-days 病人日 Urinary catheter-days 导尿管日 Central line-days 中心静脉插管日 Ventilator-days 呼吸机日 Surveillance methods 调查方法 on going review each patient in ICU. 持续观察ICU的每个病人 by reviewing Doctors progress notes, Nursing notes, Physiotherapists notes, XR report, charts, MAR forms, conversations with nurses and physicians 查看医生病程、护理记录、理疗单、X线检查、CT/MAR。医生护士的会话 by reviewing laboratory data. 查看实验室数据 Define device-related infection 定义导管相关感染 By using standard CDC definitions that include laboratory clinical data 使用CDC的标准包括实验室和临床资料 Definitions – VAP Had device within 48-hrs period before onset of infection Systemic S/S Respiratory S/S Chest X-R evidence Laboratory results Definitions – CA-BSI Had device within 48-hrs period before onset of infection Clinical manifestations Common skin contaminant from 2 blood cultures No apparent source for BSI except the catheter Definitions – CA-UTI Symptomatic UTI S/S of UTI +ve urine culture =10 Asymptomatic bacteriuria +ve urine culture =10 No S/S of UTI Calculate Device


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