七年级 上 starter units1.ppt

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七年级 上 starter units1

Starter Unit 1 Good Morning!;*;Alice;Grace;Good morning, Helen! ;1a Write down the names in the picture.;1b Listen and repeat.;A: Good morning, Helen! B: Hi, Bob! A: Good morning, Alice! B: Good morning, Cindy! A: Hello, Frank! Hello, Eric! B: Good morning, Dale! ;Good morning “早上好”用于凌晨至中午12:00这段时间,是较为正式的问候语。它的答语仍为Good morning! Hello “您好”一般是熟人,朋友和同学之间打招呼用语。也可以用在打电话时,意为“喂” Hi “嗨,喂”频率最高的问候语,用于非正式场合,意思同hello,比hello更为随意。;Starter Unit 1 Good Morning!;Good morning, Helen! ;*;*;2b Listen and number the letters you hear [1–8]. ;2c Look and copy. ;2c Look and copy. ; HB; CD = compact disk; BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation; 英语中有一些名称是由几个词组成的,人们习惯上把这些词的第一个字母缩写在一起,叫缩略词。 (abbreviation) ;The abbreviation 缩写词;Homework 课后作业;3a–3d;比一比, 看谁反应快;;Match the letters and the Chinese meaning.;How do we greet others at different times of the day?;*;Good morning! 早上好! 早上起床至中午十二点前用。 Good afternoon! 下午好! 午后至大阳落山前用。 Good evening!晚上好! 太阳落山(黄昏)到入睡前用。 Good night! 晚安! 不是问候语,而是晚间告别用语。;*;14 :30;;3a Listen and number the pictures [1–3].听录音,为图片编号。;☆除了简单的打招呼,我们还可以 怎样向别人问好?;;3c Listen to the conversation. Then practice it with your partner.;How do we greet each other?;How do we greet new friends?;4a–4d;Good morning, Cindy!;Play a game — Bingo 做宾戈游戏;Alice;4a Write down the names of the children below the pictures. ;4a Write the names in alphabetical order. ;4b Listen and repeat. 听录音并跟读。;4c Read the letters and words in column 1. Try to read the new words in column 2. ;4d Listen and sing the song. 听一听,唱一唱。


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