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摘 要 关键词: ABSTRAC With modern market economy of prosperity, product variety is more and more, with product quality problem more and more. The focus and product quality dispute the ultimate solution is product quality civil liability foothold, only implemented product quality civil liability, the legitimate rights and interests of consumers can obtain the safeguard.Product quality civil liability for consumers and producers, sellers of rights and obligations between system in the key question. And in legislative and judicial practice, the victim will often faced caused by product quality in the responsibility of breach of contract between right and tort liability claim decisions, and it relates to product quality civil liability concurrence problem. This paper will be a civil liability for product quality related concepts and theoretical development sufficiently, on the basis of elaborating further comparison and analysis of the product quality responsibility of breach of contract and tort liability, and around the similarities and differences in China on the quality of products liability concurrence of relevant legislation, fiat legislative defects, and puts forward some Suggestions to improve our product quality, in order to perfect the system of the civil liability and judicial practice helpfully. Keywords: Product quality; Responsibility of breach of contract; Tort liability; Liability concurrence; Legislation defects and the suggestion 目 录一、关于产品质量民事责任的概述 1 (一)关于产品、产品质量、产品质量民事责任的概念 1 (二)产品质量民事责任的理论发展 1 二、产品质量的违约责任与侵权责任的比较 3 (一)产品质量的违约责任与侵权责任的相同点 3 (二)产品质量的违约责任与侵权责任的区别 3 三、产品质量的违约责任与侵权责任竞合的理论基础及我国的立法现状 4 (一)大陆法系关于产品质量违约责任与侵权责任竞合的三种主要学术观点 4 (二)我国关于产品质量民事责任竞合的立法缺陷 6 四、对完善我国产品质量民事责任竞合的一些建议 7 (一)对完善我国产品质量民事责任竞合立法模式的建议 7 (二)对在司法实践中处理产品质量民事责任竞合时应坚持的原则的思考 8 主要参考文献 10 后 记 11 论产品质量的违约责任与侵权责任的竞合 随着现代市场经济的深入发展,市场上流通的产品也极大丰富,同时瑕疵产品或缺陷产品致人损害的事例也层出不穷,产品质量民事责任应运而生,而由此产生的产品质量违约责任与侵权责任的竞合也在实践中引发了一系列的法律问题。例如甲在乙商场购买一台某品牌的54英寸彩电,使用不久。一日,甲在看电视时,不想该彩电发生爆炸,将甲脸部炸伤,造成甲九级伤残。甲经与乙商场协商未果


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