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Unit 20 New Frontiers The second period of Lesson 2 The objectives of the lesson 1. To learn and practise listening strategies for completing notes. 2. To learn and practise using phrasal verbs. 3.To listen to the science fiction story and choose the correct answers to the questions. 4. To practise speaking about films. Discussion What lesson do you have to take notes in ? Discuss your techniques for taking notes. Look at the notes and decide what kind of information you need. E.g number: date/ year/time, place: country/ city/ town/ country/ street.etc the part of speech: adj/ adv/ v/ n./etc; Listen for the important words or key words Take notes with one word or a short phrase Ex6. Listen to the woman talking about her favourite film and complete the notes 2001: A Space Odyssey was first shown in (1)_____. Some people’s reaction was to walk out of (2)___________. Mary people found it (3)_____________. The first scene is set on Earth (4)_____________. Some cavemen find a black block, a machine sent by (5)_____________. The next part of the film is set on (6)____________. The third part of the film is about a journey to (7)___________. Only the intelligent computer HAL knows the (8)___________. 1968 the premiere strange and confusing four million years ago an advanced alien civilization the moon another planet real plan take (sth) over= take control of sth 控制,管理 The police hasn’t taken the condition over yet. take (sth) over (from sb) =begin to have responsibility for接手,接替,接任 When he fell ill, his son took over the business from him. give (sth) away = present sth; donate分发或赠送某物; He gave away most of his money to charity. give (sb/sth) away= tell a secret泄露秘密 She gave away state secrets(国家机密) to the enemy. make up for sth = compensate for sth 补偿\赔偿\弥补或抵消某事物 Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence. get sth out of sb/sth= gain or obtain sth good from sb/sth 从某人/物处得到或获得 She seems to


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