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瑞士哈美顿 G5 C2 开机自检 689100/00 * 689100/00 * Close 29cmH2O Ppeak 6.3 L/min ExpMinVol 35% Oxygen 峰值压力 每分钟呼气量 吸氧浓度 12cmH2O Pmean 15 b/min f Total 1 cmH2O/L/S Rinsp 平均压力 总呼吸频率 吸气阻力 6cmH2O Peep/CPAP 423 ml VTE 18 ml/cmH2O Cstast 呼气末正压/持续气道正压 潮 气 量 顺 应 性 29 cmH2O Pplateau 33 ml Vleak 11 cmH2O/L/S Rexp 平台压力 漏 气 量 呼气阻力 5 cmH2O Pmin 49 L/min Insp Flow ---s RCinsp 最低压力 吸气流速 吸气时间常数 1.3 s Ti 102 L/min Exp Flow ---s Rcexp 吸气时间 呼气流速 呼气时间常数 2.6 S TE 1 cmH2O Autopeep ---J/L WOBinsp 呼气时间 内源性Peep 呼吸功 1:2.0 I:E --- cmH2O P0.1 ---cmH2O*s PTP 吸呼比 口腔闭合压 吸气压力与时间的乘积 ---b/min fspont ---ml*min RSB 自主呼吸频率 浅快呼吸指数 Monitor Galileo监测参数 689100/00 * 689100/00 * P/V Tool: 工作窗口 P-SIMV 3.78 30 15 492 Xxxxxxxxx erttrert Xxxxxxxxx erttrert Xxxxxxxxx erttrert Xxxxxxxxx erttrert Xxxxxx erttrert P-V maneuver P V 2000/12/12 15:33:34 Pcurcor1 6 cm H2O Vcursor1 128 ml VPEEP 116 ml Close Maneuver in process Trigger ? Start/stop Cursor 2 Ttotal 15 s Cursor 1 ? ? Pcurcor2 31.3 cm H2O Vcursor2 726 ml ONLY IN 689100/00 * * This is just a proposal of the graphic display for P-V curve maneuver. Once the operator set the P-top and the Ramp speed, the Ttotal value is displayed. After the prolonged expiration, the VPEEP is displayed. Vcursor and Pcursor are displayed after the maneuvre is completed and the cursor is activated. The values should change with the cursor movement, similar to the freeze function. One curve is stored in the memory. Whenever the window is opened, the stored curve is displayed. The stored curve is replaced by a new curve after the maneuver. * RAPHAEL For patients in need of respiratory support in intensive care and recov



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