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* ,a 4 6 7 The school is not large but pretty, clean and tidy. All the students and teachers like it very much. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * The Nanhu Middle School was built in 1982 and now there are 12 classes with 620 students and 52 teachers in it. The school is located at the foot of a hill and its gate faces south, in front of which lies a highway. In the middle of the yard is a big garden. On its left stands the laborary and on its right, the library. In the east runs a little river from south to north with a bridge over it. The playground lies toward the bridge and behind the library. North to the garden is the teaching building, behind which lies the dormitory building. There are two woods in the school. One is in the west and the other is in the southeast. The school is not large but pretty, clean and tidy. All the students and teachers like it very much. Set up in 1982, the has at present. with facing There lies the playground are fond of * 英语书面表达 * 评分原则 1 总分25,分5个档次 2 先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整档次,最后给分 3 词数少于80和多于120的,从总分中减去2分 * 4 评分时应注意的的主要内容为 :内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量及准确性、上下文的连贯性与语言的得体性 5 拼写与标点是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时 应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑 * 6 如书写较差,以致影响交际,将分数降低一个档次! * 写作要领 1 细读提示——明白写什么,日记、信函、报导或叙事描写 2 写全要点——了解核心内容,非重要情节,图画作文应认真分析判断才能分清主次。表格类原则上一个不能少 3 卷面干净——事先打草稿然后腾 写是使文章通畅的关键 * 认真书写,不求文字娟秀,力保规范工整,这是留下好印象的起码条件 4 层次分明——为使短文令人感到赏心悦目,分成2至3段为好 5 承上启下——简而言之是连接词、过度句.他们是组成文章粘和剂,上下沟通的纽带 * 6 繁简有度——文章总有详写与略写,尤其是 图画类短文,学会筛选是非常必要的,如其不然,事无巨细全部点到,不仅使文章成了流水帐,显得冗赘,而且空耗了时间。若再因超长而被扣分岂不得不偿失?! 7 亮点突出——较高级词汇和较 * 复杂的语法结构的合理适时使用,这最能影响或打动改卷教师,是求得高档次及该档次高端分 值的保证 * 第二节书面表达(满分25分) 假定你叫李华,你班同学约定本周日上午9点在市中心公园的小树林边聚会,想邀请你们的外籍英语教师Sally参加。请根据下图指示给她写一封e-mail,告诉她如何到中心 公园找到你们。 1. 词数:100左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数) 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Sally, The students in our class are going to have a get-together in the Central Park at 9 this Sunday. ____________________________________________________


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