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探究点一:fill和full fill 动词 意为装满,与with连用 full 形容词 意为满的,与of连用 ;探究点二:other和another;;探究点四:must与have to;探究点五 :hobby与habit;探究点六:near与nearby;探究点七:real和really;探究点八:a few和a little;fill full other another grow up grow into must have to hobby habbit near nearby real really VIII. a little a few;Words and;1. 想起 2. 数以百计的 3. 渴望 4. 感觉好像 5. 一年到头 6. 大量;1. 因..感谢 2. 握住 3. 跌落 4. 推某人一下 5.转身 ;Words and;Translate the following phrases into English. ;1. We probably won’t see any flowers until May or June! not...until “直到……才”表示直到某一时间,某一行为才发生。主句中的谓语可以是延续性的也可以是短暂性动词。? ;2. We had to wear our jackets and boots… have to “必须,不得不” 有人称、数和时态的变化,其否定式和疑问式一般要借用助动词do的适当形式构成。; We ______ listen to the teachers carefully. (必须) ?You are __ tall __ your father. (与……一样) He dived _____ the surface of the water. (在……下面) They are speaking in ____ voices. (低的) Let’s wait _____ the rain stops. (直到……为止);1. 他不得不跑回学校取他的作业本。? He had to run back to school to get his exercise-books.? 2. 这没有我想象的那么困难。 It’s not as hard as I thought. 3. 请不要在这条线下面写东西。 Please do not write below this line. 4. 太阳低挂在天空。 The sun was low in the sky. 5. 他一直工作到12点(continue)。 He continued working until 12o’clock.;;;送礼给德国人需特别注意时间。13和星期五都是不祥的数字。所有的信仰基督教的国家都有这样的忌讳。;说明此礼物是为对方精心挑选的。千万不要说“小意思”“拿不出手之类的”谦语。 ;不要送葡萄酒。葡萄酒在法国是大路货,就像中国的二锅头或者老陈醋,不算礼物 .;Do in Rome as the Romans do.;thirteenth tape post yet address top stamp ;thirteenth;Brain closes the box with ____;;Have you finished your homework_______? I haven’t asked him ______. I have ______ had the exam. ;________是_______时态的标志,______用在肯定句,____用在否定句或疑问句的句____.;He writes LiMing’s ______ on the ____ of the box.;Do you want to see my_______ collection?;Listen to the tape!;;;;;;;;___;;Practice the text, then present it, you can use your own words!;Show time! ;Make a birthday card for one of your classmates, tell him or her why he or she is a special person.


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