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一、汉译英: 2、我公司“泰山”轮定于10月5日离上海开往里斯本,如果贵公司有货由该轮托运的话,请立即电示我们。 The M.V.“TAI SHAN”of our company is due to leave Shanghai for Lisbon on Oct.5. Please fax/cable us if you have any consignment to be shipped by this vessel. 3、兹告知本公司可按贵方要求为你的货物保留足够的舱位。请将托运申请书填好寄来,以换取装货单,但运费须先付。 This is to inform you that we are able to reserve enough space for your shipment as per your request. Please complete and return the application form in exchange for our shipping order, but freight to be prepaid. 4、关于你本月4日的来信要求舱位加载之事,现在告知“ABC”轮舱位不能收容更多的货物,无法照办为歉。 With regard to the accommodation for additional cargo as requested in your letter of 4 inst.(of this month), please be informed that the M.V.ABC is unable to accommodate any more cargo, for which we feel regret. 五、 1、我遗憾地告诉你,今天下午4时10分左右,我船上发生一起事故。 I regret to inform you that an accident happened on board my vessel about 4:10 p.m. Today 3、我很抱歉,这样的事故竟在我船上发生了。据我调查,在事故发生时,除了那些装卸工人外,没有一名船员在场。 I am extremely sorry for such an accident,which happened on board my ship. According to my investigation, none of our crew except the stevedores was on the scene on that occasion. 4、本船船医向我建议,立即将受伤者送到岸上可靠的医院进行手术治疗。 My ship’s doctor suggested me that the injured person be sent ashore to a reliable hospital for operation. 6、该事故原因如贵方代表向有关人员作进一步调查必能弄明其真相。 The true cause of the accident will certainly be clear if you send your representative to make a further investigation on the persons concerned. 1、情况就是这样,托运货物标记不清,船方不负责由此而造成的任何后果。 Such being the case, the marks of the consignment are unclear and the ship is not responsible for any consequences arising therefrom. 2、你们尽可放心,我们会采取一切可能的预防措施保护货物在航运和装卸中不受损失。You may rest assured that we will take all precautions available to protect the goods against any damage both in transit and handling. 4、如你所知,这些重件货的重量大大超过船舶装置的起吊能力,请尽快与港务局联系,安排岸吊卸这些货。 As you are aware, these weights of heavy lifts are far beyond the lifting capacity of ship’s facilities. Please contact the Harbour Administration as soon as possible with regard t


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