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基层医院后勤管理存在问题和对策   【摘 要】目的通过对我县8所乡镇(中心)卫生院及辖区内两所民营医院系统化的分项检查,发现基层医院后勤管理中普遍存在的问题,并针对存在问题进行原因分析,提出解决对策,切实提高基层医院后勤管理能力。方法 采用实地查看现场、检查汇总资料、抽查询问工作人员、听管理人员汇报等方式。结果 ① 制度职责不完善。② 人员配置不齐、分工不明确。③ 专业人员缺乏,资质不够。④ 管理人员理念陈旧。⑤ 基础设施不到位。⑥安全意识淡漠。⑦ 院感知识未融入后勤管理。⑧ 信息化建设投入少。⑨ 社会化程度不够。⑩ 各种记录不完善。效果 检查人员针对每所医院后勤管理中存在的问题逐一提出整改方案,最大限度地在医院能力范围内提高了该院的后勤管理能力。 【关键词】基层医院 后勤管理 存在问题 对策 【Abstract】Through the county, 8 villages and towns (Center) examinations of hospitals and two private hospitals within the jurisdiction of the systematic, found widespread problems in grass-roots hospital logistics management, and analyzes the reason of the existing problems, propose solutions, and improve logistics management capacity of grass-roots hospital. Using the field to check the site, check the summary information, extracting query asked staff, listen to the managers report etc. Using the field to check the site, check the summary information, extracting query asked staff, listen to the managers report etc. Results ① system functions is not perfect. The configuration is not homogeneous, with no clear division of labor. The lack of professional staff, the qualification is not enough. The management idea obsolete. The infrastructure is not in place. The safety awareness. The hospital infection knowledge is not integrated into the logistics management. The information construction investment. Not enough to socialization. The various records are not perfect. Effect of inspectors in logistics management in every hospital put forward the improvement scheme, maximum in the hospital within the hospital logistics management ability. 【Key words】Basic level hospital; Logistics management; Problems; Countermeasures 引 言 医院后勤是为医院医疗、教学、科研、行政等各项工作提供服务的保障体系,是医院管理链中的重要环节,关系到医院各项工作正常运行和稳定,是体现医院管理水准的重要指标,也是医院管理现代化程度的一个重要指标[1]。医院后勤应包括总务、设备、基建、财务、保卫、信息等部门,是医院管理的重要基础工作。近年来,随着新型农村合作医疗政策的落实,基层医院病员不断持续增加;同时,病员对医疗单位的要求也越来越高,医院后勤管理的重要性也越来越突出。医院后勤管理水平的高低,直接影响到医院的医疗质量和经济效益。本文通过对我县8所乡镇(中心)卫生院及辖区内两所民营医院的系统检查,针对普遍存在的问题进行分析汇总并提出改


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