第09章 股票和债券融资.ppt

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第09章 股票和债券融资

公司金融 第九章 股票与债券融资专题 一、首发(IPO) 二、配股与增发 三、定向增发(PIPE) 四、发行企业债券 一、首发(IPO) 首次公开发行股票(Initial Public Offerings-IPO),是指企业通过证券交易所首次公开向投资者发行股票,以期募集用于企业发展资金的过程。 通常上市公司的股份是根据向证券监督管理机构出具的招股书或登记声明中约定的条款通过经纪商或做市商进行销售。 一般来说,一旦首次公开上市完成后,这家公司就可以申请到证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易。 首发制度 A firm issuing securities must satisfy a number of regulations set out by the regulators. 审批制 核准制 注册制 第三十三条 发行人应当符合下列条件: (一)最近3个会计年度净利润均为正数且累计超过人民币3000万元,净利润以扣除非经常性损益前后较低者为计算依据; (二)最近3个会计年度经营活动产生的现金流量净额累计超过人民币5000万元;或者最近3个会计年度营业收入累计超过人民币3亿元; (三)发行前股本总额不少于人民币3000万元; (四)最近一期末无形资产(扣除土地使用权、水面养殖权和采矿权等后)占净资产的比例不高于20%; (五)最近一期末不存在未弥补亏损。 第五十条 中国证监会依照法定条件对发行人的发行申请作出予以核准或者不予核准的决定,并出具相关文件。 自中国证监会核准发行之日起,发行人应在6个月内发行股票;超过6个月未发行的,核准文件失效,须重新经中国证监会核准后方可发行。 Procedures (发行过程) IPO一般过程 Select an underwriter Putting together the registration statement and prospectus (招股意向书) Do road shows (路演)and build the book (bookbuilding) Set the offer price Issue the stock After-market trading Types of Underwriting Firm Commitment (包销) Issuer sells entire issue to underwriting syndicate. The syndicate then resells the issue to the public. Underwriter makes money on the spread between the price paid to the issuer and the price received from investors. Syndicate bears the risk of not being able to sell the entire issue for more than the cost. That is why it is called underwriting. Best Efforts Underwriting(代销) In a best efforts offering, the syndicate avoids the risk involved in the issue (in contrast to firm commitment underwriting) by not buying the shares. The syndicate acts as an agent, receiving a commission for each share sold. The syndicate is legally bound to use its best efforts to sell the securities at the agreed-upon offering price. This form of underwriting is more common for IPOs than SEOs. Setting the offer price 发行成本 Spread or underwriting discount Other direct expenses Indirect expenses Abnormal returns Underpricing Green Shoe Option 首发异象 首日超额收益 长期走势欠佳 热销市场现象(hot offerings) 首发异象之一 首日超额收益 股票上市后二级市场价格


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