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电站锅炉汽包水位运行参数时间跨度数字特征分析模型及应用 摘要:电站锅炉实际运行中,汽包水位随时间连续变化,本文利用分形理论和时间序列统计分析相结合的方法,提出了基于分形无标度区间的汽包水位时间跨度分析模型。利用该模型,对某电站锅炉实际汽包水位进行了分析计算。计算结果表明,以min为标度(即标度为1~100s)时,获得的汽包水位时间序列变化结果具有分形特征;以h为标度(即标度为10 000 s(2.78 h)时,分形特征消失,因此认为以min为标度间距较为合适。利用重标度极差分析(即R/S分析)法对汽包水位时间序列的Hurst指数进行了分析,结果H均小于0.5,表明汽包水位变化具有波动性(波动周期反复持续)。研究结果表明,利用重标度极差分析(即R/S分析)模型分析汽包水位时间跨度变化规律是有效可行的。 关键词:汽包水位;时间跨度;分形;无标度;R/S分析 中图分类号:TE863 文献标识码:A Power Station Boiler Water Level in Boiler Drum Operating Parameters Time Span Digital Signature Analysis Model and Application 窗体顶端 Wang Zhiguo1,3,Li Da1,Zhong Conghui1,Zhang Hua2,Liu Xiaoyan1,3 ( 1. Northeast Petroleum University, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Heilongjiang Daqing 163318 2. Daqing Oil Field Electric Power Group Hongwei Thermal Power Plant, Heilongjiang Daqing 163411 3. Northeast Petroleum University, Heilongjiang Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention, Heilongjiang Daqing 163318 ) 窗体顶端 Email:dqwangzhiguo@126.com Abstract: In a thermal power plant operation process, water level in boiler drum changes by time. But in small-scale time interval, average value is normally stable with instantaneous fluctuate in a certain rage. By combining fractal theory with statistical analysis of time series, this paper proposes a time-span analysis model in working analysis based on fractal scale-free interval. Based on this model, two parameters of power boiler has been analyzed and calculated. The actual analysis indicates that time-series change of water level has fractal characteristic within scale-free interval between 1-10 000 s in power plant operation process. If taking the day as the scale, the time interval will be too large that the fractal characteristic may disappear. In working parameters analysis, the Hurst index of time series is less than 0.5, and parameters change is anti-continuous. The results show that it is effective and feasible to use Scaling-Range analysis (R/S analysis) model to analyze the time-span variation of water level in b


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