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3. 故障树的定性、定量分析 故障树定性分析就是找出导致顶事件发生的原因和原因组合,即找出全部最小割集。最小割集是指一些底事件的集合,它们都发生时顶事件必须发生,而这些底事件中缺一个就不会导致顶事件发生。如图4-34中,最小割集就是:电机一次故障,绕组一次故障及保险丝一次故障,电源一次故障及保险丝一次故障,共三个。最小割集中底事件的数量称为阶数。一般阶数越低的最小割集越重要;在低阶最小割集中的底事件比高阶中的重要;在不同最小割集中重复出现次数越多的底事件越重要。根据上面三条原则,即可将底事件及最小割集按重要性进行排序,以便确定改进措施的方向。 4. FTA流程 (1)选择顶事件 (2)构造故障树 (3)故障树规范化 (4)故障树的简化和和模块分解 (5)定性分析 (6)定量分析 (7)故障树分析报告 (四)FMEA与FTA的比较 相同点 (1)目的相同。二者都是为了辨明和改善零部件、产品或系统的可靠性,或者在零部件、产品或系统发生故障后,查找引起故障的原因及其影响程度。 (2)分析原则相同。二者都是为了分析已经存在的或潜在的故障原因,以便采取合适的、正确的、恰当的措施消除这些故障原因。 不同点 (1)FMEA多用于查明潜在的故障及其原因与后果,常常针对一个结构要求的故障特征进行分析,来达到预期的目的。 (2)FTA往往从对顾客造成不便、已有的一个具体故障现象或不良结果为开始,从系统的高位事件向低位事件展开,逐层深入地查明造成故障现象或不良结果的原因。 (3)一般而言,产品或生产工艺越复杂,FTA的重要性越大。因为随着大量技术界面和相互依存关系的出现,大量的潜在故障原因相互纠缠,这是FMEA不能完全完成的。 * * * * * QFD is one of the key tools for translating the VOC into objective engineering requirements and for identifying and tracking gaps. * In essence, QFD is a project management tool. * * Several software packages are available for helping to generate QFD matrices. The template provided in Excel, however, does just as well. This slide is meant only to be a quick overview. The details of the matrix will be discussed shortly. * Our focus will be on developing the first level QFD matrix. However, generation of lower-level matrices follows the same methodology. Many teams within design programs will actually be starting at a lower level in the QFD flow. This is fine, but it is important to recognize this and to ensure that the assumed “outputs” are in fact related to the final customer wants. * An Excel template is demonstrated and also distributed for generation of the matrices. It is contained in “QFD Template.xls”. * The Outputs to the matrix are listed in a single column. * Recall Kano Analysis from the VOC module. We use it here to help us prioritize and rank the WHAT’s. * We recommend using a rating scale (in this case 1 to 5 with 5 being most important) rather than a true ranking scale (a unique number for each output based



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