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第七章 应试写作(English Writing in Testing 第一节 应试作文的种类 (Types of Writing in Testing) 一、按出题形式分: 1、段首句作文 2、提纲作文 3、情景作文/图画作文 4、图表作文 1、段首句作文 根据所给句子的逻辑关系,段首句作文大致分为四种类型: (1)并列式 (2)递进式 (3)对比式 (4)分总式 (1)并列式 每段所给的段首句在文章中是平 行关系,它们分别从不同的方面或 者角度对题目进行阐述。 in the first place/second place…”“Firstly/secondly/ thirdly… Bicycles ① Bicycles are the most common transportation tools for Chinese people. ② The purposes bicycles serve for depend on how good the transportation system is in a particular place. ③ One important reason underlying the popularity of bicycles is the comparatively low price. (2)递进式 每段所给的段首句是层层深 入、逐步深化主题的关系。从意 义上说,每一段都是对上一段的 深化和拔高。 On Reading Classics ① Reading classics is a good way to enjoy oneself. ② Reading classics is good for language learning. ③ Reading classics is important to self-cultivation. (3)对比式 即每段所给的段首句分别代 表了截然不同的观点。应试作文 中,通常是前面两个句子是两个 相反的观点,第三个句子要求考 生写出自己的看法。这种对比模 式是并列式的一种,但是意义、 态度和语言表达都有非常鲜明的 特点。 Numbers and Luck ① Some people believe that good numbers can bring good luck. ② Other people think good numbers are not necessarily connected with good luck. ③ My idea is that… (4)分总式 即前面两个段首句是分论点, 最后一个是总结。分总式与并列式 的差别在于最后一个段落是否是对 前者的总结概括。 Sports 1 Many people participate in sports for the purpose of relaxation. ② There are also many people who enjoy sporting events, but they prefer to be spectators because watching sporting events makes them excited. ③ In conclusion, sports is popular among people because it provides interesting and wonderful games that make people less nervous than they are when they are at work. 常用连接词 表示递进的连接词:moreover, likewise, furthermore, in addition等。 表示对照的连接词:still, yet, on the other hand, it must be admitted, on the contrary 等。 表示因果关系的连接词:therefore, hence, accordingly, then, for this reason, as a result, it follows that, consequently 等。 表示让步的连接词:if, though, unless, except, even if, doubtless, it is to be admitted 等。 表示选择的连接词:either… or, neither…nor, whether…or 等。 2、提纲作文 考试中给出作文题目,并给出英语或汉语提纲(out


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