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内镜中心 杨春莲 内镜清洗消毒规范操作与感染控制 三、硬式内镜 硬式内镜 硬式内镜 2%戊二醛 OPA 过氧乙酸 酸化水 GA,OPA ,过氧乙酸对所有微生物有效,并且在血液等有机物存在的情况下,其消毒效果不会变弱。因此这些高效消毒剂,适用于内镜消毒。 因为次氯酸钠具有金属腐蚀性,同时会受到污物(有机物)的影响,使消毒效果减弱。所以不适于内镜消毒。 碘伏,酒精等也不适于内镜消毒。 其原因是,碘伏具有很强的粘着性,无法使管腔内达到充分消毒;同 GA 相比较,抗菌力弱。 如被酒精长时间浸泡的话,镜头连接部分容易发生劣化。但是,酒精适用于内镜表面的檫拭,消毒后的管腔内面的清的冲洗。 使用GA ,OPA及过氧乙酸时,应注意避免直接接触此类消毒剂,同时应注意避免接触到这些消毒剂的气溶胶。 近年,酸性氧化电解水也被用于消化内镜的消毒。当内镜表面上的有机物过多时,酸性氧化电解水容易失活。用手清洗时,存在无法将有机物去除干净的可能性,因此在使用酸性氧化电解水时要格外注意。 3. Rinsing漂洗 Rinsing the endoscope thoroughly after reprocessing with an LCG is critical in preventing residual germicide from contacting the GI mucosa of subsequent patients.残留的消毒剂对病人胃肠黏膜产生危害 Recommendations for rinsing suggest that it is done with filtered (through 0.2-mm pores) or sterile water to decrease the risk of microorganisms being reintroduced into the endoscope after high-level disinfection has been completed. 终末漂洗用过滤水或无菌水Tap water(水龙头水有菌) may contain Pseudomonas, mycobacteria, or other microorganisms. 4. Drying/Storage干燥/保存 The final step in the reprocessing procedure is drying, using 70%to 90% ethyl or isopropyl alcohol (乙醇或异丙醇压缩空气)and forced air drying. This step eliminates residual water that may be trapped in the channels of the endoscope, where such standing water may provide a suitable environment for the multiplication of microorganisms. Although the need for thorough drying after reprocessing(清洗消毒后彻底干燥) is not stressed in all guidelines, many consider this step as important to the prevention of nosocomial infection as cleaning and high-level disinfection. Endoscopes should be stored without coiling (保存在通风良好的镜柜里,不能卷曲保存)in a well-ventilated closet. Greenwald. Gastrointest Endoscope Clin N Am 2010;20:603-14 内镜保管(日本规范) 拆下送气/送水瓶、吸引按钮、钳子栓等之后,将内镜保管在保管库. 内镜的管腔内如有水分残留时,在保管期间细菌会繁殖,所以应充分将内镜管腔进行干燥。因此,要拆下送气/送水瓶,吸引按钮,钳子栓等之后,挂在架子上进行保管。并且,保管库内的紫外线杀菌灯,在其构造上效果不是太充分,同时对眼睛也有危害。考虑其对内镜的影响,紫外线灯是不必要的。 内镜储存时间(不同观点) Some guidelines, including those from the European Society of Gastroenterology and the AOR


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