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商务英语翻译技能等级考试汉英词汇表 (以英语字母顺序排序) 翻 译 员(五级)所要掌握的词汇为5 高级翻译员(四级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4 助理翻译师(三级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3 翻 译 师(二级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3+2 4 安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents 2 安全电报证书 safety radio certificate 4 安全系统 fail-safe system 3 按股分红 sharing profits according to contribution 4 按市价订购贡 market order 2 按市价折旧 depreciation at market price 2 按物价计酬法 sliding scale 5 按现价计算 at current price 3 按小时付酬 be paid by the hour 3 按原价计算 calculated on the basis of their (or ist)original price 4 按原口径计算 calculate on the base line 2 按质论价 fixing the prices according to the quality of products 5 案例分析 case study 3 八个坚持、八个反对 eight dos and eight donts 2 把…与国际接轨 gear…to the international conventions 3 把市场供货一买而光 calear the market 3 罢工暴动民变险 SRCC (strikes, riots and civil commotions) 5 罢工津贴(由工会给的) strike pay 4 罢工纠察队员 strike picket 3 罢工险 strike risk 5 白领阶层 white-collar 2 白色商品(如冰箱和洗衣机等用在厨房中的产品) white goods 4 白银市场 silver market 3 拜会 made a courtesy call on 4 班轮 regular shipping liner 3 班轮运费表 liner’s freight tariff 4 班轮运输 liner transport 4 办公费 office expenses 4 半年决算 half-year closing 2 半日工作 part-time employment, part-time job, part-time work 4 半熟练的 semi-skilled 4 包工包料 contract for labor and materials 3 包工制 labor contract system 3 包销 exclusive sales; have exclusive selling rights; submit an expense account 5 包装;包装物 packaging 5 包装不符 wrong packing 4 包装不善 bad packing 4 包装材料 packing material 5 包装成本 packing cost 4 包装费用 packing charges 5 包装工业 packing industry 4 包装规格 packing specification 3 包装破裂 loss or damage caused by breakage of packing 5 包装容积 bale capacity 5 饱和 saturate 5 保单 guarantee 3 保单期满 expiration of policy 3 保兑信用证 confirmed letter of crdit 3 保兑银行 confirming bank 2 保管货币 custody of money 2 保护措施 protective measures 2 保护关税 protective tariff 2 保护关税政策 policy of protective tariff 2 保护贸易政策 protective trade policy 5 保护主义 protectionism 3 保留工资 retained salaries 3 保姆式全程服务 whole-journey nanny service 3 保税仓库 bonded warehouse 2 保税工厂 bonded factory 2 保鲜期 period of insurance


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