【解析版】2015英语【3年度中考·2年模拟·1年预测】专题十一 情态动词.docVIP

【解析版】2015英语【3年度中考·2年模拟·1年预测】专题十一 情态动词.doc

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【解析版】2015英语【3年度中考·2年模拟·1年预测】专题十一 情态动词

专题十一 情态动词 考纲解读 考点内容 测评要求 3年考题示例 中考指数 can的用法 掌握 2014浙江台州,20.;2014河北,34;2014辽宁葫芦岛,36;2014辽宁铁岭,9;2014辽宁锦州,10;2014辽宁沈阳,9;2013北京,26;2013江苏淮安,9;2013广西贺州,39 ★★ must的用法 掌握 2014福建福州,24;2014江苏扬州,7;2014天津,31;2014江苏苏州,8;2014辽宁丹东,23;2013山东莱芜,28;2013山东烟台,21 ★★ should的用法 理解 2014 浙江金华,21;2013安徽,32 ★ may的用法 了解 2014江苏镇江,5;2013河北,34;2012河南,29 ★ need的用法 掌握 2014北京,27;2013上海,40;2013广东广州,20;2012北京,27 ★★ 3年中考 2014年全国中考真题演练 1. (2014·江苏镇江·5)—Is David coming by train? —He should,but he    not. He likes driving his car.? A. canB. need C. must D. may 2. (2014·北京·27)—Must I hand in my homework now,Mr Smith? —No,you     .? A. cantB. shouldnt C. wouldnt D. neednt 3. (2014·福建福州·24)Lisa,hurry up! The bus is coming. Oh,no,we     cross the street until the traffic lights turn green.? A. mustntB. neednt C. shouldnt 4. (2014·浙江金华·21) We     be more careful,or we will make the same mistake in the experiment.? A. mightB. can C. may D. should 5. (2014·江苏扬州·7)—excuse me,may I keep the book a little longer? —Sorry. You     return it today.? A. mustB. mustnt C. can D. cant 6. (2014·江苏南京·5) —Simon,what do I need to take for the hiking? —Youd better     more water than usual. Its hot today.? A. to takeB. take C. taking D. took 7. (2014·天津·31) Look at the “No parking” sign. You     park your car here.? A. shouldB. must C. neednt D. mustnt 8. (2014·浙江台州·20)—Are you interested in shopping online? ——Not so much. We    see real products but pictures.? A. shouldntB. cant C. mustnt D. neednt 9. (2014·江苏苏州·8) —May I take this magazine out of the reading room? —No,you    . You read it in here.? A. mightntB. wont C. neednt D. mustnt 10. (2014·河北·34)I     follow you. Would you please report it?? A. cantB. musnt C. neednt D. shouldnt 11. (2014·辽宁葫芦岛·36) Katie     see clearly. She needs glasses.? A. cantB. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt 12. (2014·辽宁铁岭·9) —Could I use your dictionary? —Of course,you     .? A. needB. can C. could D. must 13. (2014·辽宁丹东·23) —Whose pencil box is this? —It     be Toms. It has his name o



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