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The first lesson课件

Notice for English lesson of Junior 2 To build To think To use To build To think deeper See a word? Know a word? Learn a word? Put them into sentences and review them. Read more.(sound) To use BEIJING — Xi Jinping starred in a spectacular military parade in the Chinese capital Thursday, revealing more about his vision for the country and making an announcement designed to show, yet again, that he is a man in control. 习近平主席在周四中国首都的盛大阅兵典礼上如夜幕星光,闪亮无比。本次阅兵更多的显示了他在国家发展上的远见,并且他的讲话再一次企图向我们展示,中国由他主控。 Xi pitched the plan, and the entire event, as a peace offering — a tough sell given that he was surrounded by weapons. 对于这次计划以及整个事件,习将其定位于馈赠和平的一种方式,这种强有力的“产品”推销也就只有被诸多武器围绕着的习主席能做的到了。 On Monday morning, Zhang Dan, a physical education (PE) teacher at Guangqumen Middle School in Beijings Dongcheng district, went to work, a week before the start of the fall semester.  Were going to set up a sports schedule for the new semester before students come back to the school, including planning comprehensive soccer training and scheduling campus soccer games, Zhang told the Global Times on Monday.  英语学习要求 准备学习用具: 笔记本 (记录正确,清晰,整齐,自己设计好) 作业本A , 作业本B(标清号码,写日期星期) 错题本 (所有错过的题抄原题记录) 阅读积累本 (继续进行积累,实用为主) 改错:作业当天改错,不同颜色笔旁边改错,禁止原处涂改,无改错作业退回,三次通知班主任家长。 上课:说话请用英语 请准备一本英语字典 每天放学前课代表组织组长查作业批改情况 英语学年成绩组成记入学籍 期中成绩 期末成绩 平时成绩 (1) 50分掌握在我手中:模块成绩20%+月考成绩30% (2)50分在你的手里:课堂纪律,课堂表现,小测,读书背书,作业情况(按具体要求加或减0.5/次) Homework 1. Page 151 on the English book, know and read the symbol and the keyword well. Write another word you know within the symbol beside. 2. Write something (New English practical plans,hope, any words for teacher or class (English 50 words+Chinese 200words)


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