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现代物流园区发展对策研究 摘 要 现代物流业是反映城市经济发展和社会繁荣程度的窗口,是城市的基础产业和先导产业。作为一个“窗口”和一大产业,越来越受到各级政府、经济主体和社会各界的关注和重视,其物流园区这一平台也被提到了发展的重要议事日程。本文采取“总-分-总”分析结构和“理论-实践-理论”思维方式,对我国建设现代物流园区进行深入研究,即:首先,从理论角度入题,重点阐述物流园区建设的概念,物流园区的理论界定与发展历程,以及物流园区的开发模式,让大家对现代商贸物流来有个整体认知,增强其理论吸引力。然后,从具体实践入手,具体讲述处在东西结合部有交通区位、资源条件等优势的怀化通过数十年的艰苦奋斗与努力探索,在推进现代商贸物流业建设征程中,取得的一些初步成果,展现怀化在打造中国西部物流园的具体轮廓,并认真总结了在实践中的一些做法与体会,其中重点讲述了建设中国西南商贸物流园的必要性和可行性、总体思路和发展目标、政策措施和保障体系、主攻重点及关键环节。最后,从实践层面上升到理论分析,也就是结合怀化具体实践和国内外形势,进而对我国物流园区发展趋势进行展望,提出今后发展的对策措施。 本文旨在以怀化建设区域性现代物流园区为基础,借鉴国内外成功的物流园区的建设经验,构建富有中国特色的商贸物流园,为促进我国商贸物流业的健康发展提供一些理性思考与政策建议。 关键词:商贸物流;物流园区;发展 Abstract Modern logistics industry ,one important basic and leading industry in the urban economy, is the window that reflects the development of urban economy amd the degree of social prosperity. .As a “window” and a major industry.,modern logistics industrt more and more be paid close attention to particularly by government sector,economic subjects,social all circles .Therefore , the platform of logistics park has also been mentioned possible .In order to deep research the construction of the logistics park in china, This parper adopt the structure of whole-part-whole and one thinking mode with theory-practice-advanced theory. First, the article expatiates the concept of the construction of the logistics park、the origin and development courses of the logistics park、the development model of the logistics park. We try to enhance the attractiveness by the introduction of Modern logistics.Second ,this paper taking HuaiHua as a successful example. HuaiHua, through unremitting efforts,and taking its advantagesof geography and resources ,has yielded the preliminary result in the process of the construction of the logistics park. . This article raises the suggestion of building the China south-western Logistics park by research the development of logistics industry in HuaiHua. After that, The author introduced the outline of building the China south-western Logistics park, The results


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