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過量空氣係數與柴油機的性能效應 田文國 葉榮華摘要 由於現行新造船舶為二行程柴油機具有超長行程與低轉速的趨勢,各航運公司為了經濟上的考量,紛紛採用劣質重油,這些對輪機技術要求相應提高否則對柴油引擎的性能,尤其是採用廢氣渦輪增壓機的船舶主機產生重大的影響。由於機器維修保養技術的不當,造成過量空氣(掃氣)係數的大幅降低,使排氣溫度明顯上升,使主機的熱負荷增大與效率顯著的降低。為探討此問題,本文主要提出過量空氣係數與柴油引擎性能的關係,透過新造船舶於海上公試的一系列測試數據,了解影響柴油機性能的一些重要參數。並探討如何提升過量空氣係數技術,以降低重柴油機部件熱負荷與提升機器最大設計性能。此外,於文中並舉實例,透過針對過量空氣係數採取一系列維修保養技術來降低引擎的熱負荷,以提升柴油機的性能與操作效率。 Effects of excess air on the performance of marine diesel engine Wen-Kwo Tien, Rong-Hua Yeh2 ABSTRACT The use of long stroke and the enhancement of the thermal efficiency of the diesel engine have resulted in lower exhaust gas temperatures. This has decreased the efficiency of the propulsion system to some extents particularly with waste heat turbocharger. In consequence, there is an apparent decrease in the flow rate of intake and a temperature rise in exhaust gas, which may cause a larger thermal load and a lower efficiency of the main engine. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the coefficient of excess air to the performance of engine. Through a series of the sea trials for newly built ships, the factors that have a great influence of engine’s performance are determined. In addition, methods of raising the coefficient of excess air are proposed to reduce the thermal load and accordingly enhance the performance of diesel engine. Finally, to achieve an efficient operation of the main engine, an example of trouble shooting and maintenance of the engine is given for practical applications. 1.Introduction Diesel engines used in marine applications span a wide range of technologies and applications from small auxiliary engines to very large ocean-going propulsion engines. To combust the fuel more efficiently, a turbocharger is always mounted in the exhaust flow of the engine. A turbocharger has a turbine that powers the compressor using wasted energy from the exhaust gases. A key advantage of turbochargers is that they offer a considerable increase in engine power with only a slight increas



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