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中式餐饮连锁经营发展的问题及对策 摘要 近年来,我国餐饮业发展迅速,餐饮品种丰富,店铺数量迅速增加,行业竞争日趋激烈。与此同时,洋快餐加速向中小城市渗透,对中式餐饮提出了严峻的挑战。新的餐饮经营模式-------连锁经营,逐步受到广大从业者的关注。连锁经营改变了传统的小生产经营模式,有效地降低了经营成本,扩大了市场占有率,给企业带来了巨大的规模效益。国内的有识之士开始使用这种模式开展经营,有力地推动了中式餐饮行业规模的发展。但是,处于初级阶段的中式餐饮连锁经营,在发展中还存在很多问题,有待于广大餐饮企业经营者结合自身的特点去解决这些问题。本文分析了中式餐饮连锁经营发展现状,重点剖析了存在的问题,并提出了一些解决中式餐饮连锁经营发展问题的策略建议。 关键词 餐饮业; 连锁经营; 现状; 问题;对策 Problems and countermeasures to the chain operation of our country’s dining industry Abstract In recent years, our country’s dining industry has achieved a rapid development. The food varieties are so rich, and the shop quantity is also increasing rapidly. As a result, the competitions among this industry are becoming more and more intense. At the same time, the western fast-food has accelerated its penetration into the small and medium-sized cities, which raised severe challenge to our Chinese type dining. With the entering of western fast-food, a new business model ----chain operation, gradually received concerns of the majority of the operators. Chain store model has changed the traditional business model, lowered operating costs and expanded its market share effectively, and has brought a huge scale profit to the company. The domestic men of insight have already used this model and impelled our country’s profession development. In our country, however, the chain operations, in particular food chain operation is still at the primary stage, there are still a lot of problems which need the majority of Chinese restaurant operators to combine the characteristics of Chinese food itself and continue to address step by step. Only in this way can Chinas dining industry achieve greater development. This passage analysis the present situation and the problems of our country’s dining industry, proposes countermeasures and recommendations to Chinese restaurant chain operation development. Keywords: Dining industry; Chain operation; Present situation; Problems; Countermeasures 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 前言 1 一、中式餐饮连锁经营发展现状


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