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顱顏影像與生長發育學 一、招生班別:碩學分班 二、課程簡介:了解顱顏生長發育的機轉與理論基礎 描述顱顏各區域的生長方式和過程 了解測顱放射線之原理、臨床應用及限制。 應用各種測顱放射線分析方法。 熟悉二維測顱放射線之臨床使用及研究方法。 了解三維顱顏影像的發展及臨床應用。文獻討論學生報告,病例實作研究生出席率與上課參與程度?50%研究生報告?25%?期末報告25% 1.Essentials of Facial Growth. Enlow DH and Hans MG. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1996 2.Handbook of Orthodontics. 4th ed. Chapter 1 to 7. Moyers RE, Year Book Medical publishers, 1988 顱顏二維影像- 1.Orthodontic Cephalometry: Edited by Athanasios E Athanasion Published in 1995 by Mosby-Wolfe . 2.Radiographic Cephalometry: From Basics to 3-D Imaging. Edited by Alexander Jacobson, Richard L. Jacobson. 2nd ed. Ouintessence Publishing Co. Inc. 2006. 顱顏三維影像-自編教材 參考書(講義) 顱顏生長發育- 1.Contemporary Orthodontics. Proffit WR. Related chapters of Facial Growth. 2.A Synopsis of Craniofacial Growth. International student edition. 顱顏二維影像- 1.Othodontic Cephalometry . Edited by Athanasios E Athanasion Published in 1995 by Mosby-Wolfe. 2.An Atlas and Manual of Cephalometric Radiography, Thomas Rakosi, 1982, Wolfe Medical Publication. 3.Centemporary Cephalometric Radiography. Kunihiko Miyashita, Ouintessence Publishing Co. Inc. 1996. 顱顏三維影像- 1、Diah E, Lo LJ, Huang CS, Sudjatmiko G, Susanto I, and Chen YR. Maxillary growth of adult patients with unoperated cleft: answers to the debates. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive, Aesthetic Surgery 60: 407-413, 2007. 2、Kane AA, Lo LJ, Christensen GE, Vannier MW, Marsh JL. Relationship between bone and muscles of mastication in hemifacial microsomia. Plast Reconstr Surg 1997;99:990-7. 3、Lee MY, Chang CC, Lin CC, Lo LJ, and Chen YR. 3D image reconstruction and rapid prototyping models in custom implant design for patient with cranial defect. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 21(2): 38-44, 2002. 4、Lo LJ, and Chen YR. 3-dimensional CT imaging in craniofacial surgery: morphological study and clinical applications. Chang Gung Medical Journal 26(1): 1-11, 2003. 5、Lo LJ, Marsh JL, Vannier MW, Patel VV. Craniofacial computer assi



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