必修三unit1festivals around the world section A 课文课件.ppt

必修三unit1festivals around the world section A 课文课件.ppt

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必修三unit1festivals around the world section A 课文课件

Unit1 Festivals around the world;Explanation ; In some parts of London, missing a bus means _____ for another hour. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting;;;Happy New Year!;Spring;Spring Festival is the traditional Chinese New Year’s Day. It usually falls in early February. And the celebration lasts from the first day to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.;Food names;Dumpling/Jiao-zi;Nian-gao;年年有余: Having more than need every year ;吉祥如意: Everything goes well. Be good! / All the best.;Activities;压岁钱 gift money;pay New Year’s call; give New Year’s greetings; New Year’s visit;烟花 fireworks ;爆竹 firecrackers;;;灯谜 riddles written on lanterns 灯会 exhibit of lanterns ;Spring Festival;清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。 借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。------[唐] 杜牧 ;Dragon Boat Festival;;Christmas;Valentines;欧美传统民间节日。又译圣瓦伦丁节。定于每年 2月14日。情侣们在这一天互相交换表达爱意的贺 卡和礼物。 它源于3世纪迫害基督教徒的罗马帝国, 一位名叫瓦伦丁的教士因救助基督徒而被捕,在狱 中,他与典狱长的女儿相爱 ?。269年2月14日,他 被处死?。此后教会便将2月14日定为情人节作为纪 念。 现在通常在情人节中,男士将一枝半开的红玫 瑰作为情人节送给女孩的最佳礼物,而姑娘则以一 盒心形巧克力作为回赠的礼物。;April Fools Day a for-fun-only observance.Practical jokes are a common practice on April Fools Day. Sometimes, elaborate practical jokes are played on friends or relatives that last the entire day ;Mothers Day a time of commemoration and celebration for Mom. It is a time of breakfast in bed, family gatherings, and crayon蜡笔画 scribbled I Love Yous. Celebrated the 2nd Sunday in May ;Fathers Day a day of commemoration and celebration of Dad. It is a day to not only honor your father, but all men who have acted as a father figure in your life - whether as Stepfathers, Uncles, Grandfathers, or Big Brothers. Celebrated the 3rd Sunday in June ;Carnival ;相传里约热内卢狂欢节始于19世纪中叶。最初, 狂欢节的规模不大,仅限于贵族举行的一些室 内化妆舞会,人们戴上从巴黎购买的面具,尽 情地欢乐。1852年,葡萄牙人阿泽维多指挥的 乐队走上了街头。随着节奏明快的乐曲,不管 是黑人还是白人,也不管是穷人还是富人,男 女老少都跳起来了,整个城市欢腾起来了。里 约热内卢狂欢节最早并没有固定的场所,由于 狂欢节时值盛夏,天气炎热,游行活动都在夜 晚进行。从20世纪70年代起,各桑巴舞学校建 议在市内修建一座桑巴舞赛场,用于狂欢节活动。;Easter Bunny; 每年在教堂庆祝的复活节指的是春分月圆后的


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