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近五年来我国高校BBS建设与发展的研究 公共事业管理专业学生 葛仕广 指导教师 黄小丽 摘要:随着计算机技术,特别是网络通信技术的发展,校园文化中出现了新型的文化形式—网络文化。网络文化中尤其以BBS这种互动的网上信息系统,在高校中深受广大师生的欢迎。发展是一个永恒的话题,我国高校网络的发展环境也发生了巨大变化,发展不仅仅取决于技术进步,竞争需要、读者需求与技术进步共同成为高校网络发展的主要驱动力。近年来,以因特网为代表的新技术革命正深刻地改变着传统网络的服务理念与体系框架,我国高校网络利用 BBS从事读者服务工作迄今已有数年,然而并未取得突破性的进展,本文拟从多个角度了解近五年来我国高校网络应用 BBS 的现状与发展,探讨网络BBS 的功能,归纳高校网络应用BBS 的理想管理模式,作为服务读者工作的参考。若能善用网络BBS,与读者维持良好的双向沟通关系,对于学校工作和校园文化的传播将具有积极的意义。 关键词:BBS;校园文化;高校网络;资源 Near for Five Year Our Country Universities BBS Construction and Development Research Student majoring in Public Administration GE Shiguang Tutor HUANG Xiaoli Abstract:Along with the computer technology, specially the network communication development, in the campus culture appeared the new cultural form □network culture. In network culture especially by BBS this kind of interaction on-line information system, in universities deeply general teachers and students welcome. The development was an eternal topic, our country universities network development environment has also had the huge change, developed not merely is decided by the technology advancement, the competition need, the reader demand and the technology advancement becomes the universities network development together the main driving influence. Along with the internet rapid development, its huge potential more and more is valued peoples. In recent years, profoundly was changing the traditional network service idea and the system frame take Internet as representatives new technological revolution, the universities network positively applies each network resources and the tool enhances the service potency, for example the email, the compact disc network and so on, the electronic bulletin board system (Bulletin Board System, was called BBS) the application also was one of them. Our country universities network was engaged in the reader service work using BBS up to now to have several years, however makes the unprecedented by no means progress, this


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