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27 2 V o.l 27 N o. 2 2007 4 EARTHQUAKE ENG INEER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION A pr. 2007 : 1001- 1301 2007) 02- 0158- 06 1, 2 2 2 魏陆顺 , 周福霖, 刘文光 1. , 15000 1; 2. , 510405) : , , , , , , , , , : , : ; ; ; : TU 352. 1 : A App lication of com b in ed base isolation to bu ildings 1, 2 2 2 WE I Lu shun , ZH OU F ulin , L IU W enguang 1. H arb in Inst itute of technology, H arb in 15000 1, C h ina; 2. Guangzhou U n ivers ity and Guangdong K ey Laboratory of Earthquake Eng ineering and A pp lied T echn iqu e, Guangzhou 5 10405, Ch ina) Abs tract: Seism ic iso lation, as a technique o f innovat ive seism ic design concep,t has been w ide ly u sed in both new and ex ist ing build ing s to prevent the dam age from earthquakes. A t the sam e tmi e, m ore and m ore new types of iso- lators w ere excog itated and u sed in eng ineering. T he authors research a com bined base isolat ion system, wh ich in- cludes m any types o f iso lators, and form ed an iso lation layer to reduce the se ism ic responses o f superstructure. A nd then a building that adopts the com b ined base isolat ion system is introduced, wh ich includes the iso lators o f natura l rubber bearings, lead rubber bearings and elastic sliding bearings, and so on. T he routine test ing o f a ll applied iso- lators are carried out. The equ iva lent linear analysis, the energy envelope m ethod and the tmi e h istory ana lysis are adopted to c


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