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本科毕业论文 浅谈陶渊明的田园理想及酒情怀 学生姓名: 姜志军 指导教师: 所在院系: 中文系 所在专业:汉语言文学专业 东北师范大学 中国·长春 2005 年 5月 中文摘要 中国传统文化是中华民族历史创造的结晶,在其发展凝结的流程中,人们的贡献与发生的影响是不同的。在中国文学史上陶渊明是一个以田园景地和田园生活为题材进行了大量诗歌创作的诗人,他的田园诗开创了古典诗歌的一个新流派,被历代诗人推崇备至。钟嵘更称其为“古今隐逸诗人之宗也”。 陶渊明不满意他所处的时代,有他自己的理想社会憧憬。但是在那样的历史阶段上,社会还没有产生新的生产力,还没有新的生产方式可以发一种新的社会形态的构想,他只能通过托古,或者通过幻想,来编绘自己的理想蓝图。将传说里的古代的淳朴社会加以美化,寄寓自己的理想,托古以寓志,憧憬古代社会,或者寓言以寄怀,幻想桃源世界,但是历史意味着过去,桃源世界只能存在与幻想之中,二者都不能成为现实,只有田园,才是他的生活现实,于是他努力把他的田园变成寻求理想生活境界的王国。 他的思想行为及其艺术创作,在漫长的历史中广泛地活在人们心中。本文从他的诗作分析入手,论述他的不慕荣利的品格;桃源理想;文学造诣和成就。 关键词:陶渊明;田园理想;酒情怀 Contents summary : The Chinese traditional culture is the crystallize of the Chinese nation history creation, in it develop the process of the coagulation, the contribution of the people and the influence of the occurrences are different. TaoYuanming is the first to took the pastoral view ground and idyllic lifes as the topic to carry on a great deal of verse creations on the Chinese literary history, his idyll establishes the classic verse a to flow the parties lately, drive in the past the poet worships to go to fully.Mr Zhong even calls it as thou now of the recluse poet also.TaoYuanming dissatisfied he ages of place, have him by himself of ideal society imagine.But at that the history stage up, the society have not yet produced the new productivity, return to have no new mode of production and can deliver a kind of speculation of lately social appearance, he can pass to give the thou only, or pass the imagination, weave to draw own ideal blue print.Take into the simple society of the ancient times in the legend beautification, the one who send own ideal give the thou with the ambition , imagine the society of ancient times, or parable with send the bosom, the imagination peach source world, but history mean in the past, the peach source world can exist only with imagination, twos cant become the actuality, onlying have the pastoral, is just his life actuality, hence he hard the Kingdom that his pastoral becomes to look for the i


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