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授课教师:李克时 Chapter Five diversity in belief system Religion Religion Islam ★Groups the Sunni (逊尼派教徒) the Shiite (实业派教徒) Teachings Allah is the only God Allah sends Angels, spiritual beings, to communicate a message with humans. Muslims believes in the Jewish Bible and the Christian Gospels, however they believe that their message has been lost. The Holy Qur’an which was dictated to Muhammad is the final book and replaces the other books. Muslims believe in all the prophets God sent to mankind as messages but the last and greatest prophet was Muhammad. Muslims believe in judgment day. Muslims believe that Allah constructs everything on earth and beyond. God determines who will be saved and who will suffer in hell. ethical system Five pillars of Islam: repetition of the creed; prayer; almsgiving; fasting; pilgrimage. Introduction Cultural Values d. Power distance: It describes the distribution of influence within the culture, the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. High-power-distance and low-power-distance e. Long-term versus short-term orientation long-term orientation emphasis: 1) Persistence 2) Ordering relationships by status and observing this order 3)Thrift 4) Having a sense of shame 5) Valuing future short-term orientation emphasis: 1) Personal steadiness and stability 2) Protecting your “face” 3) Respect or tradition 4) Valuing past and present 5) Fulfilling social obligations Implications of cultural values for intercultural communication value orientations and the importance of people’s attitude in intercultural communication * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Warm-up questions Why do many restaurants in China have fish tanks? Why do many office buildings have lion statues in front of the main door? What do you believe are the most important things in your life? The cultural differences in perception are reflected in the diversity of belief s



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