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8 1 . 8 . 1 V ol N o 2001 3 Resear ch o f Soil and Water Conserv ation M ar. , 200 1 都大俊, 柯小兰 ( , 725000 : , : ; ; : S 156: B : 1005-3409 ( 200 1 01-0073-02 Buil ding Water Conservancy Proj ects and Amelioration of Soil Are Ef fective Ways to Devel op Dryland Farmi ng D U Da-jun , KE Xiao-lan ( Soil and Fert iliz er S tat ion of A nk ang R eg ion in S haanx i P r ov ince , A nkang Shaanx i 725000, PR C Abstract: Developing dry land f ar ming and w at er saving is the best choice t o advance the su stainable and st able dev elo pment o f our national economy . On the basis of analysing the soil o f shallo w hill in A nkang , , , region t he climat e and cult iv ation t he w ays t o develop dryland f arming and w ater saving are put f orw ard , . such as building w at er conservancy pr oject s am elior at ion o f soil et c Key words : shallow hill in A nkang; building w at er co nser vancy projects and ameliorat io n of soil; the w ay of dryland farm ing 42. 6 270 d , 4 1 d , 779. 61 101. 4 mm , 2 20% 30% , 38% 50. 6 8 hm , , 2 45% , 2 8% 33% , 2. 6% 4 . 4% 36 . 85 , 72. 7% , hm 70% 77% 48 0. 9 , , 20 3 3 660 0. 93 20 006, 77.


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