语法专项 比较级 最高级(魏朝鑫 制作).ppt

语法专项 比较级 最高级(魏朝鑫 制作).ppt

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语法专项 比较级 最高级(魏朝鑫 制作)

比较级和最高级 语法专项 Review tall big long pretty happy thin 高的 大的 漂亮的 快乐的 瘦的 长的 Yao Ming is taller than Jordan. Jordan is tall. Jordan 2.26m 1.98m Lin Xinru is thin. Liu Yifei is thinner than Lin Xinru. 45kg 48kg longest longer long ◇Look at the pictures and understand 看图并理解 nice nicer nicest ◇Look at the pictures and understand 看图并理解 big bigger biggest happy happier happiest long longest longer nicest biggest nicer nice bigger big happiest happier happy 比较级 原级 最高级 原级 比较级 最高级 tall short old long pretty ugly fast thick thin taller tallest shorter shortest older oldest longer longest prettier prettiest uglier ugliest faster fastest thicker thickest thinner thinnest pretty prettier prettiest Lily Linda Mary back Who is the prettiest? Mary is the prettiest. Who is the tallest? Yao Ming is the tallest. Which ruler is the longest? The yellow ruler is the longest. He is taller than me. I am clever than him. His box is bigger than mine. Im shorter than him. Tom is fatter than you. back Who is the prettiest? Mary is the prettiest. Who is the tallest? Yao Ming is the tallest. Which ruler is the longest? The yellow ruler is the longest. He is taller than me. I am clever than him. His box is bigger than mine. Im shorter than him. Tom is fatter than you. 比较级句子 最高级句子 back 谁来说说这节课你学会了什么? (1)一般情况下单音节或双音节的形容词比较级+er 最高级+est (2)以e结尾的词,比较级+r,最高级+st (3)以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i+er或est (4)重读闭音节词双写最后一个辅音字母+er或est long longest longer nicest nicer nice happiest happier happy biggest bigger big Who is the prettiest? Mary is the prettiest. Which ruler is the longest? The yellow ruler is the longest. · 熟记今天所讲的几个形容词和它的比较级、最高级。 画一幅图,并用最高级编一段对话. 收集一项世界之最。 Good , better , best, Never?? let?? it??? rest . Till??? good??? is?? better, And??? better , best . 好上加好,直到最好; ?????????? 精益求精,永无止境。


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