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河南机电高等专科学校 汽车维修课程论文 论文题目:富康轿车点火系统的组成及 故障检测与诊断 姓 名:许楠楠 班 级:汽车制造051 学 号:050116113 指导老师:娄 云 2007年12月28日 目 录 1富康轿车点火系统的结构组成及工作原理. 4 1.1 点火线圈 4 1.2 分电器 4 1.3 电子点火器 5 1.4 火花塞 6 2.富康轿车点火系统故障类型 6 3.富康轿车点火系统部件检测与诊断 6 3.1点火线圈的检测诊断 7 3.2配电器的检测与诊断 7 3.3离心点火提前调节器的检测与诊断 8 3.4真空点火提前调节器的检测诊断 9 3.5点火正时的检测与诊断 10 3.6点火信号发生器的检测与诊断 10 3.7电子点火器的检测与诊断 11 3.8火花塞的检测与诊断 11 4.富康轿车发动机不能起动时,点火系统的故障检测与诊断 12 4.1确定点火系统是否点火 12 4.2检查点火系统电源 13 4.3检查电子点火器的搭铁 14 5.富康轿车点火系统部件的检修参数 15 摘要:点火系是汽油发动机非常重要的一个系统,其作用是在压缩行程终了,向火花塞提供点火高压,点燃汽缸内的可燃混合气。点火高压必须准时、可靠,适应发动机的不同工况。点火系已经历了传统触点式点火系统、半导体辅助点火系统、普通电子点火系统、微机控制点火系统、微机控制无分电器直接点火系统5个阶段,目前在用汽车中各种点火系统都存在,以普通点火系统保有量最大。若点火系出现故障或技术状况不佳,将会导致发动机动力性及经济性下降、排放指标、起动困难甚至无法起动。可见,掌握点火系统的故障诊断与维修至关重要。 关键词:点火线圈 分电器 电子点火系统 火花塞 点火正时 检测与诊断 Abstract: The gasoline engine ignition system is a very important system, and its role in the compression stroke is the end of the spark plug ignition provide high pressure cylinder ignited the flammable mixture. Ignition high pressure must be punctual, reliable, the engine adapt to the different conditions. Ignition System has gone through the traditional contact-type ignition system, semiconductor auxiliary ignition system, ordinary electronic ignition system, the computer control ignition system, the computer control without direct electrical ignition system five stages, the use of all kinds of automotive ignition systems exist to ordinary ignition system tenure of the largest. If the ignition system failure or poor state of technology, will lead to engine power and economic decline, the emissions targets, starting difficult or impossible start. Clearly, the master ignition system fault diagnosis and maintenance is essential. Key words: Ignition Coil Distributor Electronic Ignition System Spark Plug Ignition timing Detection and Diagnosis. 1. 富康轿车点火系统的结构组成及工作原理: 富康轿车TU32


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