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阅读理解题的题型 1、事实细节题 2、主旨大意题 3、推理判断题 4、猜测词义题 各题型所占比重及命题趋势 Where is the topic sentence of a paragraph Sometimes the first sentence of a passage is the topic(key) sentence Sometimes the last sentence is the topic (key) sentence Sometimes the topic(key) sentence is in the middle of a passage Sometimes you have to put several key sentences together to get the main idea Sometimes you can’t find the topic(key) sentence in the passage. You have to sum it up yourself. A process is a natural series of actions and reactions that leads to specific results. All of us participate in a variety of processes every day. We digest our food, heal ourselves by making new skin cells, distribute resources through our bodies by breathing, and use our five senses. Natural processes go on all around us as well. Plants produce their own food through photosynthesis, storms build and move, volcanoes erupt, and fertilized eggs mature --- the list seems endless. Which sentence best states the main idea of the paragraph? ? a. We all take part in many processes every day. ? b. Natural processes that go on around us include photosynthesis. ? c. A series of actions and reactions that leads to certain results is called a process. ? d. Natural processes take place within our bodies. 1 主题句常常是一个段落的开头,其后的句子则是论证细节。在说明文,科技文献和新闻报道中多采用这种格式。 主题句 主旨题的解题技巧 *着重理解首末段,首末句 *主旨在文章中间的情况(非文首文尾),遇到文章前后段意思转折,提高警惕 主旨题的注意事项: *段落中出现转折时,该句很可能是主题句 *作者有意识的反复重复的观点通常是主旨 *首段出现疑问句时,对该问题的解答就是文章主旨 *提出文章主旨时常伴有的文字提示:therefore, thus, but, however, in short等等 正确选项特点: 不出现细节信息;不含过分肯定或绝对意义的词 干扰项特点: 细节信息明显;过于笼统 Some plants have relative immunity to a great many diseases, while others have a susceptibility to them. A blight(萎菌病)may be but a local infection easily controlled; on the other hand it can attack particular plants in a whole region or nation. An example is the blight which killed virtually every chestnut tree in North America. Another


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