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001. The airline industry is cutting its lowest discount fares more widely, more substantially, and earlier this year than it normally does at the end of the summer, a time when travel usually decreases and the industry uses some lower fares to attract passengers. 分析:The airline industry/ is cutting its lowest discount fares/ more widely, more substantially, and earlier this year than it normally does at the end of the summer/, a time/ when travel usually decreases/ and the industry/ uses some lower fares/ to attract passengers. 内容:航空业/正在减少最低折扣所需的费用/今年比通常夏季结束时更广,更多,更早/这是一个时间/旅行通常减少/航空业用更低的费用/来吸引乘客。 解释:按照中文语序,我们习惯说,“航空业今年比通常夏季结束时更广,更多,更早地减少最低折扣所需的费用”,颠倒句序并没有影响句意的理解。 002. The aristocratic values expressed in the writings of Marguerite Yourcenar place her within the French classical tradition, as does her passionate interest in history, particularly Roman history. 分析:The aristocratic values/ expressed in the writings of Marguerite Yourcenar/ place her within the French classical tradition/, as does her passionate interest/ in history, particularly Roman history. 内容:贵族的价值观/在Marguerite Yourcenar的作品中表达出来的/让她置身于法国的古典传统/她的激情让她置身于历史中,尤其是罗马历史。 解释:这句话中最应该注意的是as does,虽然它不是实词,但是它提醒我们后面的句子和前面的是并列的关系,所以把后面句子中省略的部分补上,句意自然就清楚了。 003. Because paper of all kinds is the biggest single component of municipal trash, many municipalities have tried recycling to reduce the cost of trash disposal. 分析:Because paper of all kinds/ is the biggest single component of municipal trash/, many municipalities/ have tried recycling/ to reduce the cost of trash disposal. 内容:因为各种各样的纸/是城市垃圾中最主要的成分,所以很多城市试着回收利用它以便减少处理垃圾的费用。 解释:本句将原因提前,强调原因,这样符合中文语序很容易理解。 004. Migraine, the most debilitating common form of headache, afflicts perhaps 18 million Americans, who collectively lose 64 million workdays year and thus cost the nation $50 billion in medical expenses and lostwork time. 分析:Migraine/, the most debilitating common form of headache/, afflicts perhaps 18 million Americans/, who collectively lose 64 milli


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